Confession of an idiot buying 98k

I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you MS1. When I first started collecting K98k's last October, I ALMOST pulled the trigger on a "matching" byf 44 sold by a well known hump artist on Gunbroker for almost $3k. Luckily, came across this website before I did.

Like others have said, you're not an idiot. These rifles are exceedingly complex, which makes them easy to fake. Even after months of collecting, learning from this forum, AND owning all three volumes of the Karabiner K98k books, I still don't have a clue compared to a lot of the guys on here. Luckily, the veteran collectors on here are always willing to help.
I will just leave the most recent communication through feedback with the seller here. More fun :laugh:

2 rifle parts are fake match - removed old # and re-stamped matching serial. Seller agreed to process return but then blacklisted me. Buyer beware. No responsibility for fakery is taken here.

Response (left on 04/10/2021):
Your a Lying Mental Case & Honestly need to go get HELP. 162 Pictures, Then you said you wish you had Not Won it & Then your Caught Lying. Even your FFL Said you have Mental OCD Problems. Go get HELP.

Follow Up (left on 04/10/2021):
Just going to k98kforum and searching for byf_41 there will reveal some interesting business practices of this mental issues specialist.
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When I get responses like that I just replied back with memes.


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"Your(sic) a Lying Mental Case & Honestly need to go get HELP. 162 Pictures"

If his/her intent with this statement is that the parts are NOT humped he/she are the liars. It's beyond obviously when you know what you're looking at. I'll add this. Apparently his proclamation that the band is 'just way too tight' and 'no reason to take it off this all-matcher' is also apparently a huge lie. Not only that we all now KNOW why he claimed he couldn't get it off.
Respectfully I ask .... what was the lesson(s) learned? I see several from my prospective, but wonder what you "see"...

Aside from getting to know particular seller’s true face, I’ll never again buy from a person without doing proper homework even in cases when I’ve dealt with somebody before. Sounds trivial, but it’s my sole responsibility to know exactly what I am buying, not only because seller might be a crook, but simply not know what is up for grabs. Even if an item is overdue in shopping list.

If you have extra take aways, would be interested to hear.
If his/her intent with this statement is that the parts are NOT humped he/she are the liars. It's beyond obviously when you know what you're looking at. I'll add this. Apparently his proclamation that the band is 'just way too tight' and 'no reason to take it off this all-matcher' is also apparently a huge lie. Not only that we all now KNOW why he claimed he couldn't get it off.

That’s the feedback he/she left on my page. I guess, it kinda answers the question what “they” meant :)

F: 162 Pictures Any Problem was Mentioned. Then said I wish I had Not Bid Buyers Remorse. rtopol01 Has Mental Problems and Honestly NEEDS Mental HELP. Even His FFL Said He Has BAD Mental OCD Problems.

Reply on 4/10/2021: Just searching for byf_41 on k98kforum might reveal some interesting business practices of this mental issues specialist : )
Follow up on 4/10/2021: You know your wrong & Was caught Lying to us. 162 Outside pictures and NO Fake Numbers are present. Just say your Wrong & Had Buyers Remorse. Get you some HELP as Everyone is aware of your M problems.
"You know your(sic) wrong & Was(sic) caught Lying to us. 162 Outside pictures and NO Fake Numbers are present. Just say your(sic) Wrong & Had Buyers Remorse. Get you? some HELP as Everyone is aware of your M problems.

First, someone should invest some of their ill gotten gains in Grammarly. Seriously. Secondly, YES there are. And trust me if Mike thinks they're bad, they're bad.

For the seller... Their, there, they're. Notice how those work. These rules also apply to you, your and you're in case you're interested. :laugh: The random capital letters in the middle of sentences is also curious and I'm sure indicative of something? If you look that up you might discover something interesting and strangely ironic.
First, someone should invest some of their ill gotten gains in Grammarly. Seriously. Secondly, YES there are. And trust me if Mike thinks they're bad, they're bad.

For the seller... Their, there, they're. Notice how those work. These rules also apply to you, your and you're in case you're interested. :laugh: The random capital letters in the middle of sentences is also curious and I'm sure indicative of something? If you look that up you might discover something interesting and strangely ironic.

Some of these Gunbroker humpers really seem like they crawled out of the Hudson river :laugh:
OP it’s unfortunate that you didn’t find us before your purchase, but that’s water under the bridge and you’re here now. I think a lot of people trust sellers and then after buying a rifle go looking for info about it, and then they find “here.”

The unfortunate takeaway is that there are indeed dishonest sellers out there who do not care who they screw. To them it’s making a living, they care not for the integrity or honesty we seek here. We can’t project our morals onto them because they don’t have the same morals and goals we do. They don’t care when the change from byf to svw happened. They want $$$.

I’ve said this before but luck (like in collecting) is really the intersection of opportunity AND preparedness! Lucky collectors do what they can to see as many rifles for sale as they possibly can, and are armed with enough knowledge to make a good decision on each rifle. They don’t BUY every rifle, but they do SEE a lot of rifles, good and bad. Preparedness and opportunity, emphasis on preparedness which is again unfortunate as we have said.

Enjoy the books, enjoy the forum here, enjoy communicating with other like minded collectors, and have fun with this.

Sent from my top secret official Bunker of the Order of the Def’s Hed.
Aside from getting to know particular seller’s true face, I’ll never again buy from a person without doing proper homework even in cases when I’ve dealt with somebody before. Sounds trivial, but it’s my sole responsibility to know exactly what I am buying, not only because seller might be a crook, but simply not know what is up for grabs. Even if an item is overdue in shopping list.

If you have extra take aways, would be interested to hear.

I think my advise is to "know more than the seller", otherwise bad things can happen. Either, advance your 98 IQ over time, and work up to a matched rifle ... with some stepping stones to an eventual near 3K rifle or have a mentor in your back pocket to help vet. Ask the seller why "as-is" and force a 3 day inspection.

Here's a Nambu that appears righteous. It's not what the seller suggests.

The mag, which does have the same number is actually from a diff factory. Mag and gun did not leave the factory together! Who knew?
The best thing mike, Bruce, the books and this site have done is save K (and heating up g) 98 collecting for all of us over the past ten years. I’d love a normandy camo or ss helmet but I won’t even look at one because of what happened there, with sites evidently complicit. They’re simply off my list. I started collecting k’s because they were relatively safe and I was terrified of the Luger and p38 marketplace for same reasons. The forces at work to exploit here are no different, but this community has proven stronger. It’s telling that one can confidently buy an ss k98 now and know exactly what they are getting with the help of all here, but the same is probably still not true about an ss m42.
I received the following personal message from (apparently) the seller:

“If this Harassment tread, Post isn’t removed. I will be taking the next legal correct step’s against your forum.

This is Harassment and I Highly recommend this post Disappearing.“

My response was probably not in line with the demands. I’m not a fan of being threatened. We don’t censor here. Each of us here is responsible for our own posts, legally and otherwise. I invited the seller here to provide his/her side of the story.
I received the following personal message from (apparently) the seller:

“If this Harassment tread, Post isn’t removed. I will be taking the next legal correct step’s against your forum.

This is Harassment and I Highly recommend this post Disappearing.“

My response was probably not in line with the demands. I’m not a fan of being threatened. We don’t censor here. Each of us here is responsible for our own posts, legally and otherwise. I invited the seller here to provide his/her side of the story.

That will be interesting. I predict it will go like some of those guys that show up here seeking validation of their rifle(s) then become indignant when flaws and fakery is pointed out
Lol what type of legal action is he going to take?

I don’t rightly know, so I asked him/her to please have their attorney contact me and let me know. I politely suggested that they come here and address the claims. Seems to me that when you have the authors of The Books, along with other advanced guys identifying the bayonet lug and front band as humped, what is the argument refuting that and who are the authorities and sources supporting that? That’s why a free and open forum and site is valuable to the collecting community.
I think my advise is to "know more than the seller", otherwise bad things can happen. Either, advance your 98 IQ over time, and work up to a matched rifle ... with some stepping stones to an eventual near 3K rifle or have a mentor in your back pocket to help vet. Ask the seller why "as-is" and force a 3 day inspection.

I agree. While I feel bad for buyers like the OP, I also don't understand why so many new buyers shoot for the moon on their first try out of the gate. Most of us spent years learning, studying, buying placeholders, etc. before taking the step of buying high-end stuff. I have always thought of this as a way of limiting my risk, but right now there are so many free spending new buyers with loaded check books who are easy chum for the sharks.