BCD4 Phosphate 5 Digit SN


Senior Member
Picked up here on the trader. There are pics in an older thread but here are some more detailed shots of this beauty.











Sent from the Gulag
I don't know how you guys the such clear detailed pictures but that rifle looks awesome thanks for sharing. I hope to have a nice one some day too.
bcd 4 phosphate

That's a real beauty. love the phosphate finish and the original un-messed with stock.
Tks for posting and the great pictures. :thumbsup:

I like the contrast between the phosphate and those blued parts. Nice unsanded stock with what looks like battle damage? Probably never be able to confirm that but it's appearance certainly suggests that. No marks on the bolt root either? Congrats!
I like the contrast between the phosphate and those blued parts. Nice unsanded stock with what looks like battle damage? Probably never be able to confirm that but it's appearance certainly suggests that. No marks on the bolt root either? Congrats!

Agree! Stock dings look like some repeated wear points from being jounced around in a vehicle perhaps, but as you said, no way to know anything for certain.
This is one of those cases where the dings give the rifle alot of character. Probably a combination of combat use and wear, battle damage and/or surrender pile damage.
I love it! Thanks for sharing.
Very nice indeed. Crisp photography. It appears that either a filter or "color correction" has stripped the first 21 photos of the of the beautiful golden hues I love to see in phosphate finished Gustloffs.
Outstanding rifle and nice photography! I do like these phosphate finish bcd4 rifles. I also have one that has no evidence of ever having been shot. When I first saw mine in the LGS, I had no idea of what I was looking at due to the mix of phosphate and blued components...

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Beautiful rifle !!!

All I have to say is dibs!
Call me when you’re done with it lol

That’s a really nice phosphate
"Pisgah - I recently picked up 36416. You have it listed as having a milled lower band. It was wearing a stamped lower band when I received it. Full photo spread below."

The stock and bands have been replaced....
The stock and bands have been replaced....

If you’re referencing the damage on the forend of the stock which does not extend to the handguard, I am more inclined to believe it was the handguard that was replaced, as the stock is duffle cut. As for the bands, I don’t know how you can say definitively one way or the other, unless you have a personal experience with this particular rifle.
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I can't find when it was posted, but pics are from 2008 and I created the folder 2014 - pics could have been posted on Gunboards 2008. I don't go looking through my saved pics unless someone asks, but I have a lot of latewar guns from the 2000's when I was active saving pics.


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Those pics would seem to point to some collector enhancement since 2008. Still, pretty nice looking rifle!
First off nice rifle. However the stock has had something applied to it. I would guess linseed oil. It tends to redden as it oxidizes. A dead give away is the where the wood has been damaged. The would should be light colored, plus the sling well usually is also lighter colored but is the same as rest of the stock. Not really a big deal but not an untouched stock.
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The best part of late Gustloff rifles are the milled parts like the TG here! Is this a case of someone thinking the milled band was incorrect and “fixing” it? I know a lot of rifles were “fixed” based on BB and we know where that gets u.....
The collector enhanced a different rifle and left this one with the duffel cut stock. I would like to see the rifle that is sporting this one's old stock.