BCD4 Phosphate 5 Digit SN

I can't find when it was posted, but pics are from 2008 and I created the folder 2014 - pics could have been posted on Gunboards 2008. I don't go looking through my saved pics unless someone asks, but I have a lot of latewar guns from the 2000's when I was active saving pics.

Wow, thanks for digging those out. That’s a highly irritating development.

Sent from the Gulag
I don't know how you guys the such clear detailed pictures

Shoot outdoors on an overcast day, be mindful of shadow and minimize camera movement, Ed. If you do that, even a little point-'n-shoot digital camera will take good photos.

It does seem that the stock was changed between sets of photos, and I have to wonder why IF the stock in the old photos was the original. Maybe it was NOT and someone decided to swap it into another rifle?


OP have you looked under the butt plate on the stock to see if it has a date code? Are there any serial numbers inside the stock? Don’t despair too much, it is impossible to say why someone switched the stock and bands.

Sent from my top secret official Bunker of the Order of the Def’s Hed.
It does seem that the stock was changed between sets of photos, and I have to wonder why IF the stock in the old photos was the original. Maybe it was NOT and someone decided to swap it into another rifle?

That’s a great question. Sure looks like a correct Gustloff stock.

M1903A3 said:
OP have you looked under the butt plate on the stock to see if it has a date code? Are there any serial numbers inside the stock? Don’t despair too much, it is impossible to say why someone switched the stock.

I haven’t looked under the buttplate. It’s VERY snug and I didn’t want to pry it off; but of course that’s when assumed it was the original stock. Nothing in the barren channel except what’s pictured.
If you’re referencing the damage on the forend of the stock which does not extend to the handguard, I am more inclined to believe it was the handguard that was replaced, as the stock is duffle cut. As for the bands, I don’t know how you can say definitively one way or the other, unless you have a personal experience with this particular rifle.

go back to your FB post...