Bcd 4 long side rail

Those action screws look untouched. That’s the first thing people mess up using Home Depot husky flathead screwdrivers 😂. Good luck.

Really cool rifle, worth a huge amount of money and as Jdt says… would be one of the center pieces of a k98k collection for most out there.
I took it apart I'm glad I didn't (I have a small penis) it up lol
If you have truly a legit unfinished factory LSR (I’m not an expert in sniper variants)… you are looking at some serious cash if you want to part with it. I know the experts can determine the original long key safety from the best repros among other things. From the numbers I’ve seen, upwards of $15k+ easy. The floorplate is mismatched, which is unfortunate but not the end of the world. Look out for lowballs because you will be getting them, 💯 %. Also, if you’re not a k98k expert with the right tools, leave it alone when it comes to taking things apart… very easy to damage stuff and it really hurts the value. Where did you find this? It’s crazy…
The floorplate should be an easy replacement as you can just get an unmarked or subcontracted milled or subcontracted stamped one to correct it.
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3 hole guns are not 15K guns like someone posted earlier. They were never snipers. The floor plates are not numbered on late BCD, so just replace it.

People destroy them to make them snipers except no-one wants it then because its in the wrong serial number range to be a sniper.
Don't let someone talk you into drilling it for pins and a LSR base to make a sniper, because if you do then it's worth the sum of its parts. Basically ruined. As far as price. I know what I'd pay. Tough to give free appraisals under these circumstances. Not 15K though or even close.
Well, let’s be honest here. Why is it so hard to give an honest auction setting appraisal on this particular rifle in today’s k98k market?

In my opinion it’s because many a member here would love to swoop this rifle up for “cheep”. I can say that unequivocally.

The fact is that the majority of these grow real scopes and mounts very quickly and then do sell for huge money to “non sniper experts” on auctions. It’s been discussed many times. Didn’t we have an issue here with two forum members over a LSR fake some time ago that ended with one of them being banned?

My valuation may be insanely high, and even plain wrong… but I have my reasons for it. I wouldn’t want someone to get taken advantage of. This is also the discussion part of the forum, not the trader.
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I can understand hesitation to throw a number out there, especially with very rare items. That's why I ask how many of them we think are out there in the world. I collect mainly Swiss military firearms, but dabble with Oberndorf and other WWII era items here and there. I have a couple of items in that realm that are so rare I don't know what an appropriate value is (stuff in the first 10 serial #'s of production, sniper rifles of which the variation has a maximum of 50x produced ever, etc.). You can get into minutia where the item is so exceptionally rare that no real population of people even knows the significance of it, so the desirability isn't there and price is a combination of rarity and desirability...

Nonetheless there should be at least a ball park range, even if it is a wide range that can be agreed upon. At the end of the day it will always depend on the seller and buyer and which is more motivated.
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Well, let’s be honest here. Why is it so hard to give an honest auction setting appraisal on this particular rifle in today’s k98k market?

In my opinion it’s because many a member here would love to swoop this rifle up for “cheep”. I can say that unequivocally.

The fact is that the majority of these grow real scopes and mounts very quickly and then do sell for huge money to “non sniper experts” on auctions. It’s been discussed many times. Didn’t we have an issue here with two forum members over a LSR fake some time ago that ended with one of them being banned?

My valuation may be insanely high, and even plain wrong… but I have my reasons for it. I wouldn’t want someone to get taken advantage of. This is also the discussion part of the forum, not the trader.
I think the “circumstances” Hercules is referring to is the very common “come to the forum, get free information to get the maximum value and sale talking points, then vanish to make an off-platform sale” route.

Unfortunately its a “damned if you do damned if you don’t” scenario here.

On one hand we like helping people, on the other we aren’t going to give a maximum value quote, our time, and our expertise to see this on sale for 1.5x value off platform or on platform.

Its safe to assume serious buyers and senior members who know what they are looking at will be making reasonable offers via pm, and the seller has the option of taking those values as a ballpark or selling to whoever makes an offer he likes the sound of, which is just how it goes (the swjXE that popped up on another forum being an example)
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I agree Aaron. It’s happens more often than not. You can’t keep them all. Sometimes, one or two do stick around though and I don’t believe that we as collectors should not help someone new or give them good advice on pricing/value simply because they may want to get maximum value out of their property on a platform or auction setting that pays better. If we approach newer members with a cautious distain so to speak, then we can only expect a dying hobby in the future. That’s just my opinion of course.
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Fyi I read the forum all the time I just have not interacted with people yet on here.
I didn't make a account for free information so I can sell this k98 for top dollar.
I am novis Mauser collector and shooter and will probably end up keeping it ,I just wanted some info/opinions
15k for one still with issues? What kind of issues would be acceptable at that price? I’m asking honestly as I’m not a sniper collector I collect late stuff but I do have an all matching lsr. What would an all matching rifle with no scope go for these days? I woulda said half that. Out of touch I guess.
15k for one still with issues? What kind of issues would be acceptable at that price? I’m asking honestly as I’m not a sniper collector I collect late stuff but I do have an all matching lsr. What would an all matching rifle with no scope go for these days? I woulda said half that. Out of touch I guess.
Can we some pics of yours please? I have been researching the value of my rifle from what I have gathered I think 5-6k would be fare maybe 7k tops if I got a not numbered parkerized floor plate to make it 100% matching.(NOT SELLING MY RIFLE) Mine is cool because it's unfinished making it very rare.
I have seen matching completed bcd 4 long side rails scope and all go for 13k or so on auction sites for what it's worth.
Also barrel code is "AVK CE "I took high quality pics but the forum won't let me upload them because the files are to large
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