Bcd 4 long side rail

Also barrel code is "AVK CE "I took high quality pics but the forum won't let me upload them because the files are to large

I usually open them in MS Paint and resize to 35-50%. Cameras these days produce a 2-5ft poster size image when not compressed.
@paraFAL here is the other example I'm aware of on the forum.
Thanks for sharing the link to this thread. I still have that that rifle, unmolested in the safe. My wife is quick to point out that it is actually her Mauser, as she went and purchased it while I was on a business trip!
Nice rifle! It is challenging to say what this one is worth. I also own an unfinished three-hole Gustloff K98k like yours (see photos in the attached thread), and have had no desire to sell it since I acquired it. Prices fluctuate based on condition and the economy. Suffice it to say, you will get a general idea based on the offers that you'll recieve through the PM route. Let me know if you have any questions that the photos in my thread don't address.

Thanks for sharing the link to this thread. I still have that that rifle, unmolested in the safe. My wife is quick to point out that it is actually her Mauser, as she went and purchased it while I was on a business trip!
Now that is a wife we all dream of hoping to live out our days with! :D "it's my Mauser" kinda like a wife who gets correct SS contract K98K's or AK's lol
Thanks for sharing the link to this thread. I still have that that rifle, unmolested in the safe. My wife is quick to point out that it is actually her Mauser, as she went and purchased it while I was on a business trip!
On a serious note tho, I'm positive everyone of us wishes we had your luck you had that day you walked into the gunshop and we all had our own walnut Luftwaffe and 3 hole BCD. I hope I'll see commercial rifle #21 again.
On a serious note tho, I'm positive everyone of us wishes we had your luck you had that day you walked into the gunshop and we all had our own walnut Luftwaffe and 3 hole BCD. I hope I'll see commercial rifle #21 again.
I've never had a day quite like that before or since. However, I keep plugging away by visiting every gun shop I can find here near home or while travelling. I did ok last year when I waked into a local gun shop and found a Japanese Arisaka Type 99 Navy Special for a fraction of its' true worth.
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I've never had a day quite like that before or since. However, I keep plugging away by visiting every gun shop I can find here near home or while travelling. I did ok last year when I waked into a local gun shop and found a Japanese Arisaka Type 99 Navy Special for a fraction of its' true worth.
Very nice, finding good deals is always awesome. That commercial rifle I mentioned I seen it at a gun show for $800 but has no clue what it was. The table was ran by two guys who collect Winchester rifles and that K98K was the second one they had because military arms wasn't really there thing. Directed them to come here for info and it came to light it was a November of 1943 commercial rifle. Was made entirely out of depot spare parts including the depot spare marking style BSW receiver.
Some have inquired as to the Waffenampt on the key safety on these rifles. Dug mine out of the safe tonight and took this picture which shows how tough it is to decipher. After a quick check in the Vol 2b K98k book, I learned that it is marked eagle over WaA C10 with the last two digits of the s/n on the other side.

Thanks for sharing the link to this thread. I still have that that rifle, unmolested in the safe. My wife is quick to point out that it is actually her Mauser, as she went and purchased it while I was on a business trip!
Nice we have the same gun! yours is a little cleaner then mine I think mine sat in Iowa for 70 years without being oiled or touched so the finish faded with humidity.
Some have inquired as to the Waffenampt on the key safety on these rifles. Dug mine out of the safe tonight and took this picture which shows how tough it is to decipher. After a quick check in the Vol 2b K98k book, I learned that it is marked eagle over WaA C10 with the last two digits of the s/n on the other side.

View attachment 425966

Yep same exact waffenampt as mine very very faint
Thank you
Aye, mine also appears to be a "C10" WaA. The left half of mine is obscured and slightly spotted/pitted unfortunately, but what is visible matches the above photo.