Third Party Press

Anybody got K98k ammunition(then let,s see it)tracers/ball/steel/brass/

Great box Label.

These cartridges belonging in the box.
Fired cases reworked by dou. as Platzpatronen 33 Sorte 1.

Thanks again for the great help. It's possible the box will cmoe my way...

By the way, your nickname is Dutch11. Spreekt u Nederlands?
A few weeks ago I could buy an interesting box with Platzpatronen 33.

These were left over’s from P94 from the year 1936.
The cases are all prepared to be loaded as sS (heavy ball) rounds with green annulus colour and primer crimps.
These cases were probably sold to Polte who loaded them as Platzpatronen.



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A few weeks ago I could buy an interesting box with Platzpatronen 33.

These were left over’s from P94 from the year 1936.
The cases are all prepared to be loaded as sS (heavy ball) rounds with green annulus colour and primer crimps.
These cases were probably sold to Polte who loaded them as Platzpatronen.


A lot of these for sale the last weeks...coincidence?

I got thisone in today, can somebody please write something about what this is?
Hs says - P162 st 1 41

Regards Bunker

P162, Presswerk Metgethen was a production plant from “Kopp” opened in 1934.
They did not make any developments there.
The cartridges they produced were sS, SmE, Platz 33 and lS.

Your head stamp is known as a sS (heavy ball) round.

The cartridge you showed looks to me as a fantasy product.


Dutch, thank you for answering.
Yes, this is a tricky one. I was kinda hoping one of our members from Denmark would have a go at thisone. Maybe some of you have encountered simular markings on military cartridges in Denmark? If you have, please show some pictures.

My stepdad had given me a couple boxes dated 1950. Was a little leery about shooting it at first but I will say, 15 out of 15 I shot went off. Amazing how ammo that’s 68 years old shoots better than a lot of new. I priced a box of federal here yesterday and it was 38.99. No thanks
About this funny looking cartridge i posted above, i finally have some information to share.

The cartridge is without powder, and was brought back from Denmark by another collector, and ended up in my collection not long ago.
From time to time, this kind of colouring is found on different military types of cartridges in Denmark . They have many different variations of colour, and seems quite unique.
It was first thought to be some limited produced items for educational use, but is now only regarded as fakes.
So the cartridge above , is only some persons idea of fun. Maybe a smalltime collector that wanted to make his or hers collection more interesting by adding some colour.

Anyway, i think its a fun piece to have in my collection as it sure is an odd piece.

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Doppelter Geschossanwurgung (Doppel crimp)

This cartridge has an extra crimp on the neck to hold the bullet better. I can read from the information i have that it was only made by the -hlb- factory. It was ment to solve a loadingproblem in the Mg81.

The factory list i have, says that the hlb plant only made Sme and Smk with doppelcrimp in lot6 that year. As seen on the picture, the ring is Green ans states Ss bullet.... Does anybody have an idea why this is so?

And Dutch11, maybe you have a boxlabel from your fine collection ,for the doppelcrimped cartridges to show us?

8x57 Polte l.S. unknown date

Another box of me.
Label says unknown productiondates and unknown powderdelivery.
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This cartridge has an extra crimp on the neck to hold the bullet better. I can read from the information i have that it was only made by the -hlb- factory. It was ment to solve a loadingproblem in the Mg81.

The factory list i have, says that the hlb plant only made Sme and Smk with doppelcrimp in lot6 that year. As seen on the picture, the ring is Green ans states Ss bullet.... Does anybody have an idea why this is so?

And Dutch11, maybe you have a boxlabel from your fine collection ,for the doppelcrimped cartridges to show us?
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Bunker, I have a report from Erprobungsstelle Rechlin from the test of these rounds from June 1943.

They tested

13.000 SmK (SmE)
13 000 SmK Lsp 100/600
11 000 PmK
6 000 sS

It was necessary to reduce the powder loading from the cartridge to equalise the pressure in the case to a normal cartridge

In this report is also mentioned that it did not worked with a B-Patrone bullet.
Personally I have never seen a PmK and an sS round with this double crimp, only SmE, SmK and SmK Lsp.

I add a picture from the SmE label of the double crimp round.
Nothing specially written on the label



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Military Rifle Journal