It seems I missed the drama again... just a word about Backbone though, - Backbone, Law and Robert Jensen should be respected for what they are, a beginning. A fine one in my opinion, when I bought the book in the mid-1990s it was all the information that could have reasonably assembled in the United States with the current communications available.
I didn't know Richard Law or Robert Jensen then, but I do know Robert Jensen a little these days, on the phone and letters, and he is a remarkable collector who deserves the highest respect in the hobby, truly a gentleman and very honest, - he eagerly admits to not being an expert on German rifles, being a collector of all the combatants arms, but I think whatever he calls himself, he is truly one of the pioneers of the hobby who has done the most to further our understanding of German military rifles 1888-1945. Almost every book on German military rifles, in the US, has relied upon his generosity, knowledge and collection.
I think the issue regarding Backbone is not the book or the author as much as it's zealots, - the book is a book every collector should own, like others mine is well worn and dirty, - only Storz Modell98 book and Heidler's code book are more tattered. When I make fun of Backbone, it isn't the book, I usually use "Backboners", meaning its modern day zealots, not the book itself or its authors.