The stocks of nearly all the rifles shown have either been smoothed or pimp shined or bleached to the point of being eye sores. And you can imagine the "improvements" didn't stop there, the SS skull, the fake G33/40 shield which leaves a huge gap between stock and cap, the list goes on and on. I question the blueing on all of the rifles.
Your friend seems to be way over his head into this train wreck. Is he usually dabbling in AR15 or why does he seem to have absolutely no clue about the WWII junk he's peddling? If his reputation gets tarnished, he has nobody to blame but himself. Either he's totally clueless and takes for gospel what the estate told him or he's a steam talker, aiming at moving inventory for maximum profit by spewing off lots of hyperbole. Typical example (K43 qve45):
This frame is very late and used to be the BCD code. This may have been a souvenir at the liberated factory in this unfinished stage by a GI. The only thing wrong with this is little scratch marks by probably a vice as shown. I have taken this apart to show internals, it is complete as far as I can tell. The mag is a Denmark one great mag but not correct, it is a post made one. NO California sales.
Right from the start: Yes, the receiver (pistols have "frames") is very late but qve didn't use to be bcd, qve was the late war designation for Berlin Lübecker Maschinenfabrik after dropping the duv code. Nothing to do with bcd, but it sure sounds nice from a sales perspective because bcd=$$$$$$$$.
"Souvenir at the liberated factory in this unfinished stage by a GI". Yes, everybody wants a bringback, because bringback=$$$$$$$$$$. That explains the ridiculous price of $1,300 for this hacked up piece of marred junk. Wear on the hammer and the bolt shows it has been operated a lot, I don't believe the GI sat in his living room watching the Ed Griffin show while racking his "liberated unfinished" receiver 2,000 times in order to cause this kind of wear. If the rifle has a firing proof, it has been test fired, meaning it had a barrel at one point, this should settle the story of unfinished capture. And BTW, the bcd factory was not liberated, it was pulverized by RAF air raids, there were no "souvenirs" left when the first American GI's showed up 8 months later. As for BLM, when the Brits took over the facility, they found parts but barely any complete rifle. You noticed I said "Brits"? There were no GI's "liberating" BLM.
Those "little scratch marks by probably a vice as shown" are actually bite marks and were done to the receiver when some idiot put it in a vise trying to pound the barrel out. I specifically said "idiot" as the barrel is press fit into the receiver and clamping it down in a vise will make it even harder to drive the barrel out. Although, it also may have been clamped in a vise in order to saw the barrel off for a sporter project. Luckily, the idiot marks will be partially hidden below the wood line, giving a loving K43 enthusiast an excuse for rebuilding this fragment of a rifle in order to restore some of its decency.
Nothing wrong with the Danish mag. It's just fine, made on German machinery, just not made by Germans.
"NO California sales". Well, f*** him then. If he doesn't want to help/support gun collectors in CA because some idiots in this state (not us gun collectors) voted in a socialist government aiming at reducing the number of guns in this state, your friend is part of the problem because he's playing into our socialist enemies' hands.
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