I'm using an 8x57 LEE factory crimp die. You need to machine a 24mm tall cartridge riser to get the 8x33 cartridge into the crimper. In your case, you could chose a cartridge riser height that puts the crimp right where your preferred groove is located.
Crimp problem solved, I just ordered an 8x33 custom factory crimp die from Lee.
Not sure how I missed this before with my searches?
I also shot 150 grain Speer Pointed Soft reloads with 18.8 grains of IMR4227. Functioning and accuracy was fine, no signs of pressure.
Not sure what I will do when my hornady 125 grains run out. Maybe, I will go to 150 grains?
I shot the PTR44 and MP44 today with handloads with both hornady and lead cast.
With 19.6 grains of IMR4227. The hornady are amazingly accurate in both the MP and PTR. The leadcast, well they function well on full auto. I just can not get any accuracy out of the leadcast. I give up,
I have tried everything, My leadcast will just be for full auto blasting. Not sure what I will do when my hornady 125 grains run out. Maybe, I will go to 150 grains?
I contacted Claus Espeholt in Denmark about component availability in Europe. He informed me that Prvi has just the bullets available for reloading under item number B-424. This item number shows up on www.eguns.de, the fleabay of guns in Germany. However, there are all kinds of paperwork involved in importing them to this country. Good news on that front though! Prvi Partizan has a direct USA distributor--
TR&Z USA Trading
2499 Main Street
Stratford CT 06615
Phone: + 203 375 8544
Fax: + 203 375 8547
I have already emailed them inquiring about the possibility of ordering this item for sale in the USA. I informed them that I currently have 754 empties that are cleaned and resized just waiting for primers, powder, and bullets and that I would purchase 5000 if they could get them in for us. And that with the number of Mkb-42/MP43/MP44/STG44/PTR-44/K98 shooters currently in this country that shoot this round, plus the new BD-44's coming later this year, via El-Be-Tac and Robinson Armaments, I thought that they could easily sell at least 500K or even 1 million if they made them available to us.
The thing to remember about the difference between the Hornaday 125grs and the Prvi 123grs is that the Hornady does NOT have the cannelure for crimping like a military round while the Prvi does have the cannelure.
So, my suggestion/request is that everyone starting sending emails to everyone that you know who shoots this cartridge and have them start contacting TR&Z at the email address above and request that they make this bullet available to us for reloading.
Might be able to convince a good friend of mine, who happens to be the VP of one of those LARGE bullet manufacturing groups to do a small run of 125gr 8mm HPBT, we were talking and he mentioned they were going to tool for 8mm here coming up and if I wanted he would trim it down to 125 for a few thousand. Would anyone be interested in that?
An update on relaoding, I went from the .325 down to the .323 sizing die with the Hi-Tek Bullets. I also went down from 19.6 Grains down to 17.6 Grains of IMR 4227. The Bullets with gas check and Hi-Tek Coating weigh in at about 144 Grains.
Accuracy in the MP44 improved dramatically. I am not sure if it was the smaller sizing die or the reduced load? The MP44 was also flawless in full auto with the reduced load. The PTR44 was also accurate and functioned well with this load.
Thanks Pete for letting me know about the Hi-Tek coating,
Will do, anything else I should ask him?