8mm ammo


Looking for some good ammo to shoot in my 98k mauser has any shot the new PPU ammo really wanting to make sure its safe for these rifles. Thanks Rick
Privi makes decent ammo for many now hard to find calibers.

They are somewhat under powered but certainly safe and average accuracy but very good brass for reloading something shooters of K98ks are goiny to have to start doing as the last of the milsurp has dried up

Like Wulfmann said, the PRVI stuff that is marked 8mm Mauser is good ammo, but underpowered and shoots very low in my rifles! PRVI's website also lists an 8x57JS loading that I'm told is much closer to original spec. Germann WW2 ammo. I have yet to see it for sale at any online sites yet.
Widener's still has some 80s Yugo surplus that I would bet is decent. I see some Romanian surplus out there but have never shot any. Stay away from the Iranian stuff, it's garbage. Sellior & Bellot makes a 8X57JS that's definitely not underpowered.

Yugo M-75 and Yugo 80's produced ammo is my favorite. The Romy is good blasting ammo.
Widener's still has some 80s Yugo surplus that I would bet is decent. I see some Romanian surplus out there but have never shot any. Stay away from the Iranian stuff, it's garbage. Sellior & Bellot makes a 8X57JS that's definitely not underpowered.


Please note this is "not" M49 sniper ammo from the 70's it is basically a newer make of the 50's infantry/MG ammo
It is presently $510.00 for 900 rounds + shipping so 60 cents or so delivered.
They have almost 300 cases.

IMO, this is a better value in that the ammo is non-corrosive and boxer primed brass is reloadable which also IMI will be the future of K98k shooting


Berdan primed brass is reloadable, not near as easy and primers are tougher to find but with the right tools it can be done. I've saved a 2 gallon paint bucket 3/4 full of berdan primed brass. I just don't think the Prvi is as accurate as the Yugo surplus, could be me but IMHO my shooter hates it. I have some surplus stamped 11 50 that I can get 3 shot 2" groups @ 100 yards with.

As far as being corrosive, this is a bolt action rifle we're talking about. not a Garand. Pour some hot water down the bore or take some Hoppes with you and run a few patches through the it and wipe the face of the bolt. Clean it when you get home.
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Got about 400 rounds of the Romanian that I no longer shoot still layin around here.
In Boxes of 20 I think if you are interested in any.
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Berdan primed brass is reloadable, not near as easy and primers are tougher to find but with the right tools it can be done. I've saved a 2 gallon paint bucket 3/4 full of berdan primed brass. I just don't think the Prvi is as accurate as the Yugo surplus, could be me but IMHO my shooter hates it. I have some surplus stamped 11 50 that I can get 3 shot 2" groups @ 100 yards with.

As far as being corrosive, this is a bolt action rifle we're talking about. not a Garand. Pour some hot water down the bore or take some Hoppes with you and run a few patches through the it and wipe the face of the bolt. Clean it when you get home.

I agree with everything but saying Berdan is reloadable while technically true is like saying you can rebuild the motor in your car.
Yes, you can (do it yourself) but from a practical point my motor is not rebuildable like my Berdan is no reloadable.
I have tried it (my old gunsmith offered 2K Berdan primers free if I would use them myself) but it is not worth the effort

I no longer have any Privi (I had loads of surplus never new commercial) and only shoot my loads and there is a time (very near IMO) where you will either buy commercial or reload or just look lovingly at your K98k.

I agree with everything but saying Berdan is reloadable while technically true is like saying you can rebuild the motor in your car.
Yes, you can (do it yourself) but from a practical point my motor is not rebuildable like my Berdan is no reloadable.
I have tried it (my old gunsmith offered 2K Berdan primers free if I would use them myself) but it is not worth the effort

I no longer have any Privi (I had loads of surplus never new commercial) and only shoot my loads and there is a time (very near IMO) where you will either buy commercial or reload or just look lovingly at your K98k.


Agree...on all points

I ordered some of the ppu but its on back order decided to run some of the non corrosive stuff through my baby thanks to everyone for your help.
I know of no factory loaded ammo better than M75 Yugo sniper ammo. It is often cheaper than the priv and other Bull Stuff ammo. If you want accurate buy M75. If you use it in a bolt gun clean up is actually easier than commercial ammo when you factor in how effective a soap and water then rinse at the range is on the total cleaning. Do a search for it and you will likely find.
I know of no factory loaded ammo better than M75 Yugo sniper ammo. It is often cheaper than the priv and other Bull Stuff ammo. If you want accurate buy M75. If you use it in a bolt gun clean up is actually easier than commercial ammo when you factor in how effective a soap and water then rinse at the range is on the total cleaning. Do a search for it and you will likely find.

X 10...Widners did have it for 540.00 a case . Not sure if it is in stock @ the moment or not.
I know of no factory loaded ammo better than M75 Yugo sniper ammo. It is often cheaper than the priv and other Bull Stuff ammo. If you want accurate buy M75. If you use it in a bolt gun clean up is actually easier than commercial ammo when you factor in how effective a soap and water then rinse at the range is on the total cleaning. Do a search for it and you will likely find.

+1, M75 as well as most of the Yugo surplus is darn good. By the way I also have over 1000 rounds of Yugo surplus on strippers, won't find any commercial loads on free strippers will you?

As far as berdan primers being reloadable I did say it was harder and primers tough to find didn't I. I do know an old guy up in Iowa that does it though. I guess he has a lot of time on his hands but I bet his brass is cheap.
I have a 5 gallon bucket of spent Yugo 8MM cases plus a bunch of German 1939 ammo I pulled the bullets on and have the cases (They are not consistent firing primers, I called them "Click bang" for the often delayed ignition)

I agree the M75 is the best available store bought ammo but I did but 3 cases of Portuguese "Target" ammo with excellent boxer cases that shot better in my repo sniper and the brass was/is excellent however it has been maybe 5 years since Coles had that Port ammo

I don't consider 1,000 rounds a lot of ammo for someone who actively shoots.
However, at 64+ I am shooting less 8MM and have sold off most of my 8MM ammo but still have 2K as a reserve (Both factory and components)

My personal loads certainly and far more accurate than any of the factory loads.

No matter what you have I do believe we are seeing the very last 8MM surplus and K98k shooters should be pondering how much they want to shoot for 10-20 even more years and buy accordingly

What Sheepdawg and Mike Radford said. I'm still working through my Yugo 50s and Peter U can attest it looks good and still shoots fine. You just probably need a new Wolff 22 or 24 lb striker spring for sure ignition. Yugo 50s M49 is the worst I shoot and its fine and still some of the cheapest. Like Sheepdawg and Mike said, the 70s and 80s Yugo is really good stuff and hotter and truer to spec than Romanian, which is also good but IMHO and experience not as good as Yugo. Note that I would not shoot 50s Yugo in any semi auto.