Potential Future Early War Armchair Internet Expe
I have a 5 gallon bucket of spent Yugo 8MM cases plus a bunch of German 1939 ammo I pulled the bullets on and have the cases (They are not consistent firing primers, I called them "Click bang" for the often delayed ignition)
I agree the M75 is the best available store bought ammo but I did but 3 cases of Portuguese "Target" ammo with excellent boxer cases that shot better in my repo sniper and the brass was/is excellent however it has been maybe 5 years since Coles had that Port ammo
I don't consider 1,000 rounds a lot of ammo for someone who actively shoots.
However, at 64+ I am shooting less 8MM and have sold off most of my 8MM ammo but still have 2K as a reserve (Both factory and components)
My personal loads certainly and far more accurate than any of the factory loads.
No matter what you have I do believe we are seeing the very last 8MM surplus and K98k shooters should be pondering how much they want to shoot for 10-20 even more years and buy accordingly
To be honest I shoot far more 6.5X55 through my Swedes but nowhere did I say that the 1000 on strippers was all I had.