Hey Buddy, is that an E/4 in your pocket?
Alright, who beat me to it?? Could it be the second known to exist?
Rifle as a whole is a complete parts gun. I don't know its story but not much makes sense about this rifle. The only thing that catches the eye is the receiver on this oneRed glue laminate stock too. The 1936 doesn't match up to the one in Karabiner 98k either.
I was of course being facetious. The sight hood slots wouldn't bother me, many pre-war rifles that went back for repairs were probably fitted with hoods to be to military standards. My first "damn" moment was what looks like an "a" suffix. If bSw started a production run in 1936 I am guessing they would not have had over 10,000 rifles but again, just a guess. The receiver just looks messed with to me. I spit out my coffee when I got the email from BShiebs first thing this morning. I did tell him a while back in a joking manner if he finds a 36 bsw to let me know, not thinking he ever would.... bad rifle or not it still made me pinch a hole in my chair with the "clinch force" seeing it went to buy it now. I'm an old busted up Marine who bails off the computer every night at 8pm so I miss a lot of auction stuff. Until further inspection, then I could relax more. No early Weimar droops to be seen, and serial number made my heart sink.
So he ground and restamped the receiver? Is that what we're looking at here? The font certainly doesn't match the known '36 BSW...