1914 Erfurt wont chamber a round

Somewhere between one and a trillion dollars.

Realistically $50-$100 but probably not even that much. You’ll probably spend more in shipping.

Normally I don’t like work like this because the logistics takes more time than the work, and it’s a net loss. If you were local it’s an easy thing to take care of.

In theory any gunsmith should be able to correct this with minimal effort, but these days . . . .
I really really appreciate the offer. I'm gonna talk to a local gunsmith and see what he says (Just to avoid all the shipping stuff if poosible). If he doesn't seem confident I'll ship it out.

Also just for grins does anyone have the bolt measurements?
I recently acquired 2 mausers. One is a very well marked Yugo. It even says 8mm on the barrel and chambers the Turk surplus ammo that came with them just fine. The other mauser has no markings other than the matching serial numbers and some sort of circle cross stamp on both the receiver and the bolt. It will not chamber an 8mm round. Out of curiosity, and lack of other mauser ammo, I tried a 7.62 X 51 round, and it chambers perfectly.
I only chambered it out of curiosity, and know nothing about the rifle. Perhaps someone knows what the circle cross markings are?


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I recently acquired 2 mausers. One is a very well marked Yugo. It even says 8mm on the barrel and chambers the Turk surplus ammo that came with them just fine. The other mauser has no markings other than the matching serial numbers and some sort of circle cross stamp on both the receiver and the bolt. It will not chamber an 8mm round. Out of curiosity, and lack of other mauser ammo, I tried a 7.62 X 51 round, and it chambers perfectly.
I only chambered it out of curiosity, and know nothing about the rifle. Perhaps someone knows what the circle cross markings are?
Is there any other writing on the barreled receiver anywhere? Have you taken it out of the stock? Looks like a Spanish proof mark? Might be 7x57
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Is there any other writing on the barreled receiver anywhere? Have you taken it out of the stock? Looks like a Spanish proof mark? Might be 7x57
looks like the mark of La Coruna arsenal in Spain, but not a model 98, perhaps an Model 1916? (small ring?) could be 7x57……
Yes I believe it is a 1916, and I have just noticed when I removed the cleaning rod, that the underside of the barrel is marked Spanish M1916, but double struck, so pics are hard to read, then under that mark is SAMCO MIAMI FL .308W
I don't have a bayonet for that one, but my Yugo in cosmoline, came with two that fit it just perfectly, one also in cosmoline, one not in cosmoline.


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I only jumped into the conversation because the Spanish rifle would not chamber the 7x57 round, nor the 8mm round, but when I tried a 7.62mm round I had here, it went right in no trouble at all. But it was only this morning I noticed the 308W stamp on the underside of the barrel.
Are all the bolts the same length no matter the round chambered for?
yes & no. within ‘standard length actions’ the bolts are the same length. this includes Gwe 98s, K98ks, Argentine 1909s…..the Yugo M48 is an ‘intermediate length’ (shorter) as are several of the South American contract Mausers. within the action lengths, the bolts lengths are the same length.
Are all the bolts the same length no matter the round chambered for?
To add to comment above. As well as the Turkish 1903 model..I believe that's the one. To the untrained eye you would have trouble telling without doing a side by side comparison to a full length. An intermediate length bolt will not close in a full length action. Aside from headspacing must full lengths are interchangeable. My vz 24 bolt goes into gew98 k98 k98k and vise versa.
Are all the bolts the same length no matter the round chambered for?

Muncher 1953 and Honkey Tonk Devil gave an in short reply, which based on your question basically answers it. However, you question does not provide enough information to answer it directly.

As Muncher said, all standard length bolts are the same, regardless what caliber the rifle is chambered in.

There are a myriad of other action sizes, types, and configurations that will leave most anyone confused, including myself at times.
Muncher 1953 and Honkey Tonk Devil gave an in short reply, which based on your question basically answers it. However, you question does not provide enough information to answer it directly.

As Muncher said, all standard length bolts are the same, regardless what caliber the rifle is chambered in.

There are a myriad of other action sizes, types, and configurations that will leave most anyone confused, including myself at times.
i considered a dissertation on the various action lengths, but my posts are often overlong as it is!