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  1. K

    1917. V. CHR. Schilling G98

    I will get pictures. The cartouches are crisp. However it does seem someone put some sort of varnish on the stock it’s self. Doesn’t show any signs of being sanded though.
  2. K

    1917. V. CHR. Schilling G98

    I have taken it apart. The hand guard does match the rifle. I’ll get better pictures in natural light once I clean the rifle.
  3. K

    1917. V. CHR. Schilling G98

    Hello, I recently picked up this G98. I was wondering if someone could tell me its approximate value? I plan on selling or trading it for a pre 1940 dated k98 (can be a Russian capture just has to have correct hardwood stock) at some point Just want second opinions. I know it’s one of the more...
  4. K

    My BYF 1943 K98

    I don’t plan on selling the rifle. Since I know what it is now. I’m not afraid to use it and will be using this for my Normandy 6th fallchirmjager regiment impression. I really appreciate the knowledge you guys shared with me!
  5. K

    My BYF 1943 K98

    But yeah I can see the filing now. Kinda sucks it’s not what I thought it was but that’s ok it will be my reenactor rifle now
  6. K

    My BYF 1943 K98

    This rifle was given to me
  7. K

    My BYF 1943 K98

    i just looked at the safety it’s not numbered but has a waa135 stamp on it
  8. K

    My BYF 1943 K98

    Hopefully more people chime in but I can see what your meaning.
  9. K

    My BYF 1943 K98

    Here are the rest of the pictures
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    My BYF 1943 K98

    Some more pictures
  11. K

    My BYF 1943 K98

    Here is my all matching BYF 1943 dated k98 with original sling. This came out of an old collection I believe it to be a vet bring back as their are no import marks. Has waa135 stamps
  12. K

    1933 dated Banner mauser

    What do you think the value is on this? Everything matches except the front band and stud missing?
  13. K

    1933 dated Banner mauser

    Here are more pictures of the rifle taken apart
  14. K

    1933 dated Banner mauser

    Hello, I recently picked up this 1933 banner. I am hoping to find out more information about. its all matching minus the front band. Also the stock has been sanded and redone at some point. the stock hasnt been cut down in any way also. There are no import marks and it has the original pre-war...
  15. K

    New member from Pennsylvania

    Hello, I joined in hopes of finding more about the 1933 DRP mauser I just got. So I could find out why it has a late war stamped front barrel band and no bayonet lug. But besides those 2 parts is a completely matching rifle. I’m pretty good condition. The rifle came out of a very old collection.