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  1. waw44

    Post war meopta Lovec and mount

    I’ll measure it, but as far as taking the rear mount off, the scope has a focus adjustment so it’s not as easy as just unscrewing the ocular piece. (Pic below is the same scope) If there are tips on how to disassemble the scope safely, I’m all ears.
  2. waw44

    Post war meopta Lovec and mount

    Anything special about this mount? I picked up the scope for a possible SSR build . If the mount is junk I’ll just take it off without dismantling the scope
  3. waw44

    Clone R&D

    Is the rifle code historically appropriate for a turret mount ? Kinda pointless on worrying whether low or high turret is more historically accurate if the base rifle manufacturer never supplied rifles for turret mounts in the first place. Inspection stamps , stock differences… Even if the...
  4. waw44

    Need input on 2 rifles.

    Most gun forums , on a good day…😉
  5. waw44

    What do I have exactly? Whats it worth?

    The handguard retaining ring/lip is the key here. You could go down the rabbit hole . A similar sporterized rifle cost me $350, was also already drilled and tapped for a scope base, but was exactly what I wanted for my project...
  6. waw44

    K98 Rifle

    If you look at the trader forum here there are better rifles, for less money, available right now.
  7. waw44

    K98 Rifle

    It's a russian capture K98k. Not that it really matters on Russian Captures, but the flat buttplate stock is correct for pre-1941 rifles, and so is the lack of a sight hood. Sight hoods were retrofitted to many early rifles later int he war, and the Russian parts blender just slapped any random...
  8. waw44

    Reblue a k98k, who can?

    With the stock redone, I think we are past the authenticity point. Also, this is a shooter, given its current condition. I picked up a nice, externally unnumbered Sauer stock, and was thinking of getting the metal redone and dropping it in that.
  9. waw44

    Reblue a k98k, who can?

    Yea, those pictures are from when I got it. I sent the stock to Jeffrey Walmsley and the rifle got kroil+bronze wool treatment. It looks better, but i was still thinking of having it redone.
  10. waw44

    Reblue a k98k, who can?

    So Home Depot and Brownells to the rescue?
  11. waw44

    Reblue a k98k, who can?

    I have an all matching (sans the mag floor plate) CE41 that was defiently neglected and put away wet. If I were ever to have it refinished, who could do this and make it look the closest to the original bluing? Yes, I know, once done it will ruin it, etc, etc, etc. Sure, we can have that...
  12. waw44

    When it rains, it pours

    Yea, but then it’s Louisiana. The feds probably just feel sorry for anyone in that state and let the bc slide…
  13. waw44

    Mod 98, family gun.

    It would surely look better in this..
  14. waw44

    Mod 98, family gun.

    Sauer made rifle. ,1937 (duhh, was multitasking and had faulire in brain-finger connection :) ) Is the remainign metal matching as ar as serial numbers? If so, it may be worth restoration, if not, then maybe hang it...
  15. waw44

    Are these armorer’s replacement safeties? Also , by44 bolt?

    Thanks. Everything was apart , that’s why I asked. This was a big bag of Mauser bits I’m sorting through .
  16. waw44

    Are these armorer’s replacement safeties? Also , by44 bolt?

    So is my assumption correct? Fn made bolt for Byf 44 ? The extractor has Austria stamped underneath, is that also appropriate or it it some random extractor ?
  17. waw44

    Are these armorer’s replacement safeties? Also , by44 bolt?

    Box of parts also had this , late was bolt. From my research , FN made bolt for byf44 , right ?
  18. waw44

    Are these armorer’s replacement safeties? Also , by44 bolt?

    No serials, only Waa stamps , what are these ?

Military Rifle Journal