Mod 98, family gun.


Hi all, new here. I have an old mod 98 was my uncles. A replacement stock is hard to find, probably was stepped on by a horse. Need the rear sites also.
Maybe I should leave it how he fixed it, it was his first gun back in the late 40’s.
Trying to figure this gun out, thanks.


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Sauer made rifle. ,1937 (duhh, was multitasking and had faulire in brain-finger connection :) ) Is the remainign metal matching as ar as serial numbers? If so, it may be worth restoration, if not, then maybe hang it on a wall as a family heirloom call it a day.
plenty of brain farts all around, you’re not alone. I wrote ‘pretty sure’ ‘cuz w/out grabbing my books, I couldn’t recall what month JPS ran the ‘37 ‘m’ block in, (I have 5185m 1937, also a rescue, bolt, stock mm + D&T but that’s why I could afford it) it “could have been” as late as early in ‘38. I have sticky faced toddlers on the loose so books will stay put away for now. 😆
Sure, but I doubt anyone would bother taking those guns home or, if they did, bother grabbing all the pieces. There were plenty of capture piles with intact guns. Occam's razor seems to point to this happening state-side.
The buttstock on the pictured rifle is home made ( no takedown/ sling slot). It actually looks like it was burned off. Would have been interesting to hear the story.