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    G24(t) Picture Day

    If you remember the details, please, I would like to know. I got this off of Gunbroker eight or ten years ago (my records from back then are buried), and IIRC, the seller claimed to have the crate it was shipped home in, but after the auction he couldn't find it, and never got back to me. I did...
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    G24(t) Picture Day

    Forgot pics of the Czech TG.
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    G24(t) Picture Day

    I had been feeling the fever for flavor of another AR lately, so I was taking pics of a couple other rifles that were doubles in my "collection". Ended up with extra time, so took some quick pics of this one too. I've no intention of selling this one, just wanted some pics. I've had it for...
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    M40 sd

    I hadn't even noticed that, but you're right. I stuck a magnet on inner band just to be sure and its aluminum. I can't find any markings on the chinstrap at all. Was running out of light, but took a couple more anyway.
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    M40 sd

    Helmet is locked up and not easy to get to right now, and it's been over a year since I had it out for these pics. I'll try to get it out tomorrow for makers mark/date and a better close up of decal.
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    M40 sd

    I picked this one up in a trade a few years ago. What do you guys think?
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    SS turd k98k rifle

    Looks like it sold for $1250
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    DougB exposes "Champagne Rune" SS Decal Fraud and Adds a Coffin Nail to XRFacts

    I forgot my password, and every time I try to retrieve it, I get an error message.
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    Warning Notice to All: 0bama Regime coming after C&Rs

    I've had the "pleasure" of "discussing" the 2nd and the Federalist Papers with a few libs. I'm done. What's the point when, after I make a point, the reply consists of "that's not what it means". Or "you don't need an AR15". Why don't I need one? "Because. Only the military need that type of...
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    bnz 43

    This one is an RC. Someone sanded/refinished stock and swapped parts. After I saw it in person, I decided even a turd needs a little love sometime, and I brought it home. I guess I should stop buying firearms for a bit, and replace my almost dead camera, but... Pics from the original BP's add...