Warning Notice to All: 0bama Regime coming after C&Rs


Community Organizer
Staff member


My opinions, but I think very relevant ones: we collectors are now under attack by the Democrats, lead by 0bama. I imagine the Gergnotwens out there justify their virulent support for Democrats and enjoyment of this site and hobby, and claims that they are collectors like us, as not morally and ethically inconsistent. The argument is that the Democrats "are not going after collectors, only evil [assault weapons/illegal firearms/etc.] That is no longer the case. This is a lie. 0bama, however you feel about Him, (I believe him to be a destroyer of this country and our Constitution), is turning his attention to executive abuse of firearm owners and collectors. This is His megalomaniacal reaction to his own consistent failures, which he blames on his opposition, not his own personal ethical and competency issues and the mistrust of Him that He has created with the American people.

0bama is turning his wrath, because He is always blameless, on his opposition whom he has been most successful at bullying and persecuting; the American citizens who disagree with him. How many shootings have involved C&R firearms? The answer is none to so few as to be statistically immeasurable and irrelevant. So why are Gergnotwen's Messiah, 0bama, and the Democrats going after us collectors? Well, because they can. We are largely quiet and easy to bully and persecute because of our silence, or rather the ease in silencing us by the Democrat propaganda machine. Through administrative regulation, i.e., "executive order", 0bama is looking to exploit and manipulate any means within the federal regulatory scheme to persecute gun owners, regardless of the truth, the Constitution, or whether such antics have any effect upon crime or safety. The GOP seems perfectly complicit. 0bama and the Democrats have declared war upon us, and He will abuse his authority to persecute as many gun owners as He can on his way out. This is disgraceful conduct, but predictable from a person who I think makes Carter look competent and Nixon look honest.

So, if you care about this hobby, if you care about this site, then you need to mobilize, contact your senators and representatives, join the NRA, make your voices heard, now. If you are a Gergnotwen, i.e., a vociferous Democrat, then you need to make a decision as to where you stand. You cannot be one of us, take advantage of this free site, entertainment, fellowship and benefits of such associations and support those who have declared war on us, your Democrats, at the same time. It has come down to this. If our rights aren't worth fighting for, we will lose them. In my opinion, you don't belong here if you support Democrats and do nothing to support us. You're either with us or against us.

More than half this country either does not know what the current gun laws are or does not care. Because of this many believe any nonsense they see or hear. The Democratic party and probably many Washington Republicans would like to have gun confiscation. However, the country will not tolerate gun confiscation. In lieu of confiscation, the progressives, aided by a very sympathetic media, will demagogue this issue every time a mass killing takes place. They are interested in tighter gun restrictions to eventually achieve the goal of confiscation and it does not make any difference to them whether these restrictions will affect crime. As each new law fails, it will be an excuse for the next wave of laws. Their goal is confiscation. They are willing to lie and even are willing to tolerate more mass killings to achieve this goal. Any compromise on the part of gun owners with the left on this topic only feeds into their plan, which is confiscation. Common sense has nothing to do with any of this. Increased security in vulnerable places like schools and concealed carry would likely help. You do not hear them say this though. Because, again, they are not interested in stopping mass killings or decreasing gun violence, they are interested in gun confiscation. If you are a gun owner and happen to be a democrat, or even left leaning, perhaps you have not come to terms with this. To those of us who are not left-leaning and not democrats, what is happening in this country is very clear. Increasing taxes, writing new laws, printing extra currency, mandating that those who have something give it away to help the political class stay in power, and fomenting class warfare are taking our country in a very bad direction. I don't think anyone here wants to see the sick and elderly not taken care of, it is paying off those who are not sick and incapable of caring for themselves which is the bigger problem. If every argument in your head either has the wealthy wanting to take advantage of the little guy or somehow, the Bushes and Cheneys taking us down some evil path, then you likely need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture and be honest with yourself. The truth is that we have an out of control federal government and more recently it has become apparent that it doesn't make a huge difference whether the national politician has an R or a D after his name.
For me it is very clear & simple to see that there is NO Middle Ground You can`t have it both ways . I see it this way if You support Obama , You do not Support The Constitution nor the 2nd Amendment . There is 2 separate paths here the Obama Path or 2nd Amendment Path . I am on the Path that supports the 2nd Amendment & Constitution !!!!! Which Path are You on ?
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There is no realistic middle ground when it comes to protecting the Second Amendment. If you see yourself as a "moderate" and think that we can compromise on this issue you are wrong. The progressives in this country have one destination for us on this topic and that destination is confiscation. Don't think that just because you collect 75 year old rifles or shoot a $10,000 trap gun that somehow you will be spared. If the progressives were serious about crime in this country they would go after the urban dung heaps they already control (and have controlled for years). Instead they are using demagoguery to pretend that somehow the way the rest of us exercise our rights has some sort of ill effect on their voters. It is not an accident that they keep saying, "the gun show loophole" over and over again and talk about internet gun sales needing regulation. These anti-2nd Amendment politicians are not all stupid. Many of them know that their talking points are nonsense but they repeat them over and over again because the media allows them and because a large portion of the population does not know any better. If you support these people or give to the causes that support them, you are no different than them.

Oh yeah, and I am sick of their use of focus group tested phrases and talking points. What they are is liars and they have put their political ideology and its goals above all else. Their ends justify any means necessary.
For me it is very clear & simple to see that there is NO Middle Ground You can`t have it both way . I see it this way if You support Obama , You do not Support The Constitution nor the 2nd Amendment . There is 2 separate paths here the Obama Path or 2nd Amendment Path . I am on the Path that supports the 2nd Amendment & Constitution !!!!! Which Path are You on ?

I'm on the same path as you, brother!

To all you gun owners out there: Wake up! This is for real. Support NRA and other pro-2nd Amendment organizations. Pay attention to what is being perpetrated by Democrats at federal, state, and local levels with regard to trampling your Constitutional rights. Voice your concerns to your elected represtatives. Attend rallies and demonstrations in support of the 2nd Amendment. Attend hearings before bureacracies and legislatures that propose taking away your rights. Inform friends and family as to what is going on and urge them to do the aforementioned.
+1 all the way and totally agree!!!!

I know he's been after us all along, but is there something that recently just came up that I missed? I know he's doing everything he can with executive action on background checks and stuff, but anything more recent?
+1 all the way and totally agree!!!!

I know he's been after us all along, but is there something that recently just came up that I missed? I know he's doing everything he can with executive action on background checks and stuff, but anything more recent?

The Trans Pacific Partnership and its European equivalent, and he blundered badly in Syria by birthing ISIS and lying to the American people. Now the U.S. is on the precipice of losing influence in the Middle East as Syria and Iraq ask the Russians for military help, and they are getting it. Effectively.

Failures and overreach. Now he must mask his failures to the sheep who are waking up by assaulting their neighbors, creating dissension and confusion among Americans.
Half the public doesn't understand, The other half doesn't care. As long as the cable television works, the cellphones turn on, and the government checks keep showing up, nothing will change the minds of the populace.

Ban's always fail. Always. Alcohol, crack, crystal meth, alcohol, whatever. This one will be no different, the criminal element is by its nature criminal.
Half the public doesn't understand, The other half doesn't care. As long as the cable television works, the cellphones turn on, and the government checks keep showing up, nothing will change the minds of the populace.

Ban's always fail. Always. Alcohol, crack, crystal meth, alcohol, whatever. This one will be no different, the criminal element is by its nature criminal.

I point to Democrat-ruled Chicago as a perfect example. Chicago ordinances ban law-abiding residents from owning firearms either outright or through a lengthy and very expensive process of background checks, training, registration, and permitting. The Chicago Democrat controlled state legislature was forced to allow Illinois residents to get carry permits. The Democrats complied, but they purposely made obtaining a permit as time consuming and expensive as possible, so most law-abiding residents in Chicago are banned from doing so. Illinois does not have reciprocity with most states, so most out of state visitors are banned from carrying there.

Yet, none of this applies to criminals, who, by their very nature, don't concern themselves with registration, permits, background checks, bans, FOID cards, and all the other obstacles created by Democrats that stand in the way of law-abiding citizens exercising their 2nd Amendment rights and their basic human right to self defense.

The rate of firearms casualties and murders in Chicago every week is insane. Democrat imposed gun controls in Chicago are a huge failure. A dozen people get killed there in one weekend, and Obama doesn't express outrage, make speeches, visit the victims' families, or show any concern whatsoever. National media mostly ignores it. Obama will never admit that gun control failed in Chicago. As a matter of fact, he and other Democrat ruling elites want to impose the very same failed gun controls on the rest of the country.

Why would ruling elite Democrats want to double down on and expand something that is an obvious failure? Because it's not really about gun control, fighting crime, or making our schools safe. It's about being better able to control the general population when the Democrats' progressive policies kick in full force, government becomes increasingly tyrannical, and formerly middle class people start waking up to the reality of living in a Soviet-style utopia.
Why would ruling elite Democrats want to double down on and expand something that is an obvious failure? Because it's not really about gun control, fighting crime, or making our schools safe. It's about being better able to control the general population when the Democrats' progressive policies kick in full force, government becomes increasingly tyrannical, and formerly middle class people start waking up to the reality of living in a Soviet-style utopia.

+1 all the way and totally agree!!!!

I know he's been after us all along, but is there something that recently just came up that I missed? I know he's doing everything he can with executive action on background checks and stuff, but anything more recent?

Yes, Tiger, the Messiah is looking at going after C&Rs and milsurps:

This is the first time a political type post has gotten into our main forums. However, what is being proposed is detrimental to us all and our hobby. Our brothers in Europe and England and Oz well know what this means as the Messiah is following those road maps to confiscation.
.... Our brothers in Europe and England and Oz well know what this means as the Messiah is following those road maps to confiscation.

Think about how much it would suck to only be able to own deactivated, non-firing K98k rifles or replicas. How is increased regulation, banning, and confiscation of C&R weapons going to make us safe? When was the last time a kook shot up a school with a Mosin Nagant or a Garand?

BTW, if you think the politicians with the "R" after their names have our backs, think again. Most of them will do nothing, or even go along with their Democrat compadres, if you don't light a fire under their a$$es with your phone calls, letters, emails, and visits.
It is very sad to think that the government would lump historical, non-automatic firearms into the list of mil-surplus weapons that would be banned. Does anyone know if that is actually the case? If even Canada considers Kar98s and the like to be "unrestricted", it's hard to believe the U.S. would impose more severe restrictions.
It is very sad to think that the government would lump historical, non-automatic firearms into the list of mil-surplus weapons that would be banned. Does anyone know if that is actually the case? If even Canada considers Kar98s and the like to be "unrestricted", it's hard to believe the U.S. would impose more severe restrictions.

The restrictions start first with C&Rs requiring background checks. The "banning of the import of military surplus firearms" would be a net cast wide enough to effect all of them. Once rights are taken they are rarely given back. Those involved could care less about our hobby or whether certain firearms are restricted which have no effect upon crime. The point is that 0bama has his tacpayer funded bureaucrats and gummint attorneys looking for ways to restrict firearms ownership by executive/administrative action and that is most easily done within the same myriad of AT4 regulations and administrative rulings which deal with our hobby.
It is very sad to think that the government would lump historical, non-automatic firearms into the list of mil-surplus weapons that would be banned. Does anyone know if that is actually the case? If even Canada considers Kar98s and the like to be "unrestricted", it's hard to believe the U.S. would impose more severe restrictions.

In Chicago, the Democrats ruling the city have dictated that military surplus rifles like Mosin Nagants, K98ks, M1 Garands, etc., etc., are "assault weapons," and residents are thereby banned from owning them. These rifles fit the definition of "assault weapons" simply because they have wood covering the top of the barrels and they are capable of accepting a bayonet. I have friends and family in Chicago who have to keep their military surplus guns in storage in the suburbs to comply with the Demokrat ordinances.

The objective of Obama and his Democrat cabal is to expand this type of nonsense nationwide.

I just recently returned from Canada. The client I was meeting with was upset because a new socialist government is now ruling the country. Just wait. The restrictions on military surplus rifles will follow.
In Chicago, the Democrats ruling the city have dictated that military surplus rifles like Mosin Nagants, K98ks, M1 Garands, etc., etc., are "assault weapons," and residents are thereby banned from owning them. These rifles fit the definition of "assault weapons" simply because they have wood covering the top of the barrels and they are capable of accepting a bayonet. I have friends and family in Chicago who have to keep their military surplus guns in storage in the suburbs to comply with the Demokrat ordinances.

The objective of Obama and his Democrat cabal is to expand this type of nonsense nationwide.

I just recently returned from Canada. The client I was meeting with was upset because a new socialist government is now ruling the country. Just wait. The restrictions on military surplus rifles will follow.

Firstly, there isn't a new government in Canada yet. For now, the Conservative party is still ruling (thankfully)! However, we do have an election coming up, and I fear for the future...

If you came from Alberta, then yes, the concern is real: they recently voted in an NDP goverment (socialist), where they traditionally were a Conservative province.

Leave it to Democrats to define an assault weapon that way. A semi-automatic rifle with a magazine of 10+ that isn't an assault weapon is okay, but a 5-shot bolt-action repeater isn't okay? They really are a clueless people!

That having been said, I think there is a cultural problem in the U.S. (and it's getting to be the same in Canada) that goes beyond any political basis: back in the "old days", there was more freedom and yet fewer problems (with mass violence, at least), and I think that was fully due to the qualities inherent in the American people. This has been degrading for decades. With freedom comes responsibility, and no one wants that anymore: everyone wants their rights, but no one wants to look out for the rights of others or be held accountable when they exceed those rights - it's all "me, me, me". I personally feel that this is due to the quality of the people coming (and, worse, being let into) the U.S. and Canada. There are too many people who have no regard for our way of life and have no qualms about abusing the systems in place. This creates tension, violence, and generally brings the problems that were once elsewhere in the world to our neck of the woods. This, in turn, creates cultural change - for the worse, in many cases - that instills these poor morals into the home-grown citizenry.

I guess that's a bit off-topic, but I felt it was important to say. Democrats definitely need to go, but the (North) American people in general, regardless of the government-of-the-day, need to stand up for our own culture. The principles on which our nations were founded are strong and sound, and any who would compromise that - from the inside or outside - should be dealt with accordingly.
Single Issue

I am a single issue voter period!!!!!!!! I will not support any candidate no matter what they say until I am sure of where they stand and support the 2nd amendment period!!!!!!! If they don't support the 2nd amendment I don't care what they say I am done with them Period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gummi, Reise, well said and precisely why this "OT" post is here. If we don't make a stand, this hobby will be extinct. Those who don't wish to hear of this because such talk is irritating or "off topic" I ask, what have you done to protect our rights, hobby, and those who provide you entertainment and free information? If you are a Democrat have you complained about your party's platform which is now focused on taking our rights?

A small minority of the population, LGBTs, managed to create constitutional rights from thin air and force private citizens to cater to them by being relentlessly vocal and aggressive. Can we, a much larger group, even demand that our Second Amendment rights, the foundation of our existence established over 200 years ago, be protected? Ask yourself as you enjoy this site what you've done to protect us. The danger to our rights has never been as great and will only get worse without all of us pulling together.

I renewed my NRA membership. I posted this. I will not vote for any candidate who does not publicly state they will protect my rights. I am sending letters to my Senator and Reps. I tell people what is going on and the dangers involved.
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I am a single issue voter period!!!!!!!! I will not support any candidate no matter what they say until I am sure of where they stand and support the 2nd amendment period!!!!!!! If they don't support the 2nd amendment I don't care what they say I am done with them Period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unlike other single issue voters, e.g., gay marriage, abortion, etc., OUR single issue is a core foundational RIGHT upon which our country was founded. It was the SECOND Amendment. Without it, we have a toothless watchdog. The Democrats are now building their 2016 platform around diminishing and even taking those rights. We have a neo-tyrant Democrat as president focused on making an end run around the people to infringe upon these rights. They are worth fighting for; we will lose them if we do not.