Search results

  1. R

    need help finding

    Hey Guys I am trying to help a friend in Holland find a ST-61 stock. Also known as the water cooled MG-15. The one i'm looking for has the collapsible shoulder plate. Also looking for (and i'm gonna spell it wrong) a chauchat (show show) barrel and or barrel extension. Any help would be...
  2. R

    MG15 with wooden action cover opinions?

    Alright i know I'm bring up a zombie, but in my search for MG-15 parts and recoil springs i stumbled across this thread. I own and operate a Jap. type 98 which is an exact copy of the MG-15... mostly all parts and right down to the caliber. In my travels i have seen type 98's with wood covers...
  3. R

    MP41 barrels from Portugal

    Anybody know about the MP41 barrels that came out of Portugal back in the mid 80's? The part number is the same as my original, but they have no serial numbers. The only other number is a T 65 or a T30. They are waffen proofed. Thanks Ryche
  4. R

    Sniper MG34

    Cool pic, never seen that set up before. The only problem i can see is his finger is on the full auto trigger. It needs to be up higher for semi. Scope would be of little use with full. Ryche
  5. R


    Hey Sprat: No harm no foul most likely my bad photos. Thanks for the luck wishes. Panzer: Yeah i found that out so the joke is on me:googlie We shall see where it goes. Just found some more parts for my MAT-49 project so it will help with that. Ryche
  6. R


    So tried to change the BIN and it won't let you do that anymore:facepalm:
  7. R

    G43 butt piece

    Saw one a couple years ago that had a K98 stock grafted on at the wrist. Looked weird but worked. good luck Ryche
  8. R


    oh and the mag is a kinda high milage MP44 mag i picked up couple of years ago for $100. Just don't seem to need it now.
  9. R


    Hey: No trunions missing its all there. The only thing missing was the barrel pin. I figured it was silly to put a BIN at 15000 but then you never know:laugh: you can laugh ya gonna get any if you don't ask:biggrin1: Bore pics are up now, some how they got lost when posting up the...
  10. R


    Mine is up there now. 1 bid so far. Heres hoping. Ryche
  11. R


    So My kit is not there yet, and as usual with me about the time i'm gonna post something cool someone beats me to the punch:facepalm: Soooo I will wait a bit to post mine. The spare barrel( which was a MP44 barrel) and rusted gas tube are gone. But that's ok they didn't belong to the kit...
  12. R


    Just a heads up: The spare mp44 barrel and rusted up gas tube are gone. Had a couple of exchanges with some others but it looks like we are headed for broker. Sorry if i broke anyone's heart. Mine hurts to get rid of it, but it will solve alot of project issues for me. Gotta keep my Maxims and...
  13. R


    Hey Sen: Thanks for the up dated info, this just gets better. I am really hoping i didn't do something stupid and mix up the bolt carrier with the MP44 i had to sell a couple of years ago, that would have been really stupid. I will have to check the old auction listing and see if they mentioned...
  14. R


    Sen: Thanks for the heads up, always assumed it was a serial. The weld marks on the barrel and front of the rec. match up so I believe its been with it along time, so most likely orig. When we got the kit the barrel had been removed and cleaned up as well as the rec. face, thus no barrel...
  15. R

    G/K 43 Scope Mount Matching Database

    Ok just found this thread so thought i'd add mine. 214 5736 scope is marked K43 80805 ddx with a triangle after it. also has the eye cup with yellow lens but no lens covers. Ryche
  16. R


    i believe i'm putting it up for sale. i have a few other projects that want money as well as a P.M. with interest. Maxim parts ain't cheep lolol. Also working on a semi MAT-49 that's going to require money. My father had one in Viet Nam and always regretted losing it. unfortunately i didn't find...
  17. R


    History: There isn't much unfortunately, my father picked it up in a trade for a good price years ago. We got it i think as mostly spare parts for the MP-44. Now there is a story with some history, lolol. The MP-44 was sold a couple of years ago due to finance problems when my father passed...
  18. R


    Wife here, photos posted :)
  19. R


    Pics to follow after the weekend when i can get my lovely wife's help. I am a computer NERF. I bounce off alot of things but rarely do damage:googlie
  20. R


    ok after double checking the barrel is not matched but does have the long muzzle nut. I believe that is indicative of the 43 and 43/1. If i am incorrect please say so. And other than some smoothed what looks like old weld marks on the breach face the barrel is nice. the bolt is matching but the...