Alright i know I'm bring up a zombie, but in my search for MG-15 parts and recoil springs i stumbled across this thread.
I own and operate a Jap. type 98 which is an exact copy of the MG-15... mostly all parts and right down to the caliber.
In my travels i have seen type 98's with wood covers. The earlier ones were Bakelite covers like the German ones, but went to wood on later production.
I do not know for sure, but i believe the Germans never used a wood cover (could be wrong).
Of the German guns and kits I've seen, all were bakelite. There were a bunch of type 98 kits that came in a good 10 years ago or so, and all that i saw(about 15) had wood covers.
Anyway if anyone see this i could really use MG-15 recoil spring or springs.