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    Value question

    As long as there is not something that makes the rifle 'unique' - I would also judge them as being equal in value. As stated some people are Walther fans just as some people are 'Ford' or 'Chev' fans. As a result that buyer may be willing to pay a small premium for a Walther. The only thing...
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    Recoil mitigating pads on rifles historically correct?

    Post-WWII This became common and multiple rifles had a recoil pads. Especially for grenade launching purposes (Yugo M59/66 SKS for example or even the Garand/M14 had a US Flaming Bomb pad that could be slipped on). There were also a few Anti Tank rifles that had a recoil pad in WWII, good...
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    ZF41 Question (Correct Serial Number Range to be Legit?) Base looks legit, marked 135 and the stock relief looks correct as well. Scope/Base was maybe just added as it does not appear numbered matched to the rifle (early byf ZF41's should have the mount matched to the rifle I...
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    ZF41 Question (Correct Serial Number Range to be Legit?)

    Wondering if a particular byf zf41 falls into the correct serial number range to be a legit zf41 rifle? byf43 Serial 42287 f cag+ scope duv 214 mount Thank you
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    Pics of FG42s in Paris

    The slanted grip angle was for shooting while descending and for shooting with the bi-pod deployed in the prone position. It does look awkward - I have a SSD version and when actually shooting the rifle, especially in the prone position the grip angle feels quite natural and assists one in...
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    Dates of manufacture for Zelvier scopes French Dealer - but most of his 'reproduction' mounts are at least European produced. There were some reproduction German made mounts made years ago, but they are all sold out. If you put in a WTB - someone might have one in storage and be willing to sell.
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    Dates of manufacture for Zelvier scopes

    Generally, if you want to make a clone, you want to make it as 'correct' as possible. Most snipers were only made by a single maker or a limited number of makers and only during specific years. byf42 would be correct. There may be others...for...
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    Dates of manufacture for Zelvier scopes

    WTB section on this forum, some reputable dealers and sometimes Ebay (but there are many fakes). I imagine that you are likely trying to restore a sniper or make a sniper clone. Decide on which type of sniper you want first (SSR, LSR, High Turret, Single Claw, etc.). Once you know what type...
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    Dates of manufacture for Zelvier scopes

    I would not consider myself an expert, but I believe many Zeiss Zelvier and Zeiss Zeilsechs scopes were used on legit sniper rifles prior to changing to the three letter code system. At least documented on the single-claw, but if I recall properly...
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    First purchase inspection

    Also check for damage to the rear of the receiver. Apfeltor has a website and highlights areas to check for damage which may cause concern.
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    Removing cold bluing

    I have used vinegar, but need to rinse and oil. If too aggressive it will remove or lighten original blue as well.
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    G43 buttplate

    I would say an original butt plate for sure. VoPo rifles have blued butt plates. Notice how the door on the 'repro' does not have the small dimple.
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    Can someone help ID this rifle ?? This came into my collection in a package; I know it's a Berlin Lubecker, but the 30-06 conversion has me stumped.

    With the 'decorative' stock inserts, likely a post war gun smiths conversion for hunting purposes. Likely for the US market due to the caliber and probably 'one off'.
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    G43 buttplate

    I am going to say original. Paint looks correct on the inside and also the odd imperfection etc looks correct. The one thing I do like is the small dimple on the top of the lever opening piece/door. Any repro I have seen has forgotten to add this small dimple.
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    Sauer High Turret Help

    Very cool, I love projects.
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    G43 ac43

    The panel cut was the 'original' way to mark the G43. They eliminated the step as it was costly, time consuming and unnecessary. Late rifles (44/45) with the panel cut are generally and likely previously rejected receivers pressed into production. Any panel cut is generally a tougher rifle to...
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    How to Restore K98k Stock

    I have been down this path a few times (restoring sporters or 'saving' RC's). Originally I started with "Danish Oil" and eventually progressed to "Howards". Now I generally go with "Ballistol" or "Ballistol Schaft Oil". Ballistol is at least a period correct wood and metal protector. I have...
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    local finds MP44 and more

    Absolut is correct. As per the above comment, one could say that Full Auto regulations in the USA are just as 'prohibitive' as any other country in the world. The paperwork side of the house may be easier than some countries but the price generally is not. Full papered WWII Full Auto's...
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    Help with this scope please

    Scope - Legit 100% Scope Turret Cover - From the pics looks very good (slight possibility of being an 'aged' but high end repro) Leather Caps - From the pics again the item looks very good (if repro, very high end repro produced in Czech republic) Rubber Eye Cap - Again from the pics the item...