Hi guys, wondering what everyone's opinion is on this buttplate. I've had mixed reviews as to if it is original or not. I'm leaning towards reproduction, but I want to hear a few more opinions.
My Repro suspicion was only the fact that it came on a newer stock that had a repro barrel band, and the blueing on it is still fairly dark compared to the others I’ve seen that all appeared to be in blued or just lost its blueing. The main thing thing I can compare it to an original for is its construction and heaviness. Definitely not flimsy.What are your repro suspicions?
I’ll double check tonight but I think where that ink mark on yours is, on mine the paint is gone from that section.Does it have an ink mark like this one?
The slot (hole, top) of the door isn't perpendicular, I see the same feature on my buttplate.
Best regards Tommy
Hence my suspicions, unless my eyes are playing trick with me or its just got a dark patina. The shade does match, or is close to the same color of one of the original barrel bands I have on another K43. Ill get some more pics up tonight of them next to each other for comparison. The other rifle just got an original buttplate after a long search for one (unfortunately the damn trap door is a repro).Am I wrong? I didn't think G/K43 buttplates were blued. None of my 5 rifles have blued buttplates.