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  1. sauer

    ZF41 scope case ebay

    what is your problem?
  2. sauer

    Sauer lt ce 43

    when you have time you will look at you gun if you found this marking(number) please
  3. sauer

    Sauer lt ce 43

    the receiver is well worked (typical to sauer) the safety lever is planned as it should be: in fact on the first turret sauer this is done in a way like this superb
  4. sauer

    Sauer lt ce 43

    yes very very nice thank you dave
  5. sauer

    ZF41 scope case ebay

    thank you zaza2
  6. sauer

    ZF41 scope case ebay

    look the picture this is early zf41 jve for ar best regards
  7. sauer

    Photo Gallery

    thank you again very nice:thumbsup:
  8. sauer

    Po8 case

    hello i would like your opinion on this case i do not see marking thank you best regards
  9. sauer

    Zf/41 and optimism

    here's a good stock for ar 41 flat roller look at the details of the cut stock it's very important for early ar41 good luck best regards
  10. sauer

    Zf/41 and optimism

    hello you have photos? please
  11. sauer

    byf45 no letter block zf41

    beautiful byf 45 zf41 ,very nice one question:there is a logo rw on the safety ? best regards
  12. sauer

    98k vz24 district XXl

    yes not easy to find
  13. sauer

    98k vz24 district XXl

    yes jeremy interesting comparison there is a difference of 375 rifle we can see that some assembly items are common between our two rifle there in the barrel code that is different (this is normal) thank you for your compliments
  14. sauer

    98k vz24 district XXl

    the barrel pictures of the markings
  15. sauer

    98k vz24 district XXl

    wa and etc... look the picture
  16. sauer

    98k vz24 district XXl

    the bolt pictures of bolt
  17. sauer

    98k vz24 district XXl

    the stok pictures of stock
  18. sauer

    98k vz24 district XXl

    hello here is a 98k district fully with same numbers you will notice that the receiver has been reworked to receive his new serial number inside the stock does not have any number i let you enjoy these pictures
  19. sauer

    zf41 byf43 'c' block w/walther proofed site tube.

    question hello beautiful 98k zf 41 letter h question: have you on the bolt of the safety logo rw? please thank you
  20. sauer

    zf41 byf43 'c' block w/walther proofed site tube.

    question hi mauser99 is it possible to have photos without the stock photo on the left side right mounting photo above and below the mounting best regards