zf41 byf43 'c' block w/walther proofed site tube.


Senior Member
One of two of these im moving for a friend. This one is just un-touched stunning walnut with dust and age in the sling keeper area.. In talking to others I had this thought come to me. I have handled far more legit matching hi-turrets than zf41 k98's. Not really sure why ? I have just handled and seen more than this variant. I feel its a very hard rifle to come by in this form. I didn't notice till today that the rear site tube had 3 e/359 proofs on the right site. Denoting walther or at least a Zella Mellis area inspection. HZW was also in Zella mellis and specialized in making mounts so its anyones guess what firm made it.
I think its time for a new camera as Im not liking the photos Im getting but, it gets the point across..


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From the Pics it appears OK , but the ZF41 field is not really my collect niche . Certainly a harder variant to obtain seeing its an 43 dated rifle and walnut to boot . Nice Rifle . Best Regards
From the Pics it appears OK , but the ZF41 field is not really my collect niche . Certainly a harder variant to obtain seeing its an 43 dated rifle and walnut to boot . Nice Rifle . Best Regards

I can drill and tap the receiver and put an SS scope on it if you like...:thumbsup: These little scopes do suck..
I can drill and tap the receiver and put an SS scope on it if you like...:thumbsup: These little scopes do suck..

I do not get to excited over ZF41`s but would never suggest that which You did . LOL!!!! . Besides I already have a ZF41 Rifle that someone did what You suggested . It was suggested I post pics but very reluctant to do so . I really hurts to see what some have done to Historical Items . This thing may take the all time Booby Prize . Best Regards .

Rifle looks real nice but I am not liking the ZF-41 mount BECAUSE I have many examples all from 1943 and the E/135 proof mark is missing from the base. where the 3x E/359 proofs are it is usually void of markings and they proof there normal 1x E/135 on the flat before the rail, with that said this would be the earliest ZF41 also I have recorded for BYF and my First one comes in the g (G) block. a ZF41 collector would know more. could it be am example/pattern/sample sent to BYF to make copies and this sample piece was used in production?? the finish of the piece also clashes with the rest of the rifle and sight parts. all other examples have the corner when they proof the E/135 broken so you don't stick, jam or cut your finger when moving the rear sight slider. love to hear the more in the know on this specific item.

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I have to agree with Vaughn, I'm not a big fan of the rear sight base. All of the ones I have on file are blank on the r.side and e/135 on top/left at the rear, with the corner knocked down. I think you should do some more research on this before you sell it, just to be certain-- I do have some no letter ZF41 rifles on file but sometimes people don't report suffix numbers, but all pix have the rear sight base attributes I stated.

Mauser99, here's one you posted, byf43 elm stock ZF41 that has the typical attributes. http://www.k98kforum.com/showthread.php?4398-Byf43-k-bock-zf41-in-elm-
Pics of my ZF41 , which it is a BYF45 but as Mike mentioned about corner were 135 proof is found periodically and mine is also knocked at about a 45 degree . In this Pic if You notice there are what I call steps in the shelf just above rail . The subject rifle also has these steps which are or a more subtle or smoother than is seen on my base . Best Regards

Wayne there is one thing that I noticed when I first viewed the Rifle but I kinda ignored it , was thinking maybe angle the photo was taken but with concern of rifle raised I took closer look at this . On closer look the Stock Cut Out is bothersome to me looking at it more intently specifically from end closest to Receiver . Can You take a straight on side view pic of . Again Best Regards


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Thanks for the feedback so far. I guess we need to go deeper and further into this thing.. I will tare it fully down today and get some more photos taken.
Points made have been taken and counter points will be made.

1] I'm not perfect and I've been wrong before but, Id eat my shoes if this thing turns out to be made up.

2] I can see no tampering of the front site at all. None. A feat near impossible to do. No heating, tapping, pulling , drifting , ect ,ect,

3] E/359 x 3 proof marks are 1oo% legit looking walther type proofs. I have yet to see a phony waffenampt that fooled anyone who knows what to look for.

4] The finish does differ and I have noted that on late byf45 rifles as well where the base color does differ from the rest of the rifle. I can only assume the bases were machined and finished by Walter then distributed to where they were needed ? Again a grey area no one can prove or disprove.

5] Also, the phrase "I have never seen one this early" leaves the door wide open for more honest debate and discussion. Mauser at some point may have taken over production of the bases once the zf41 program went full bore ? Or received them in a semi finished state ? Again speculation. I will be back later today with my photos and verdict.
I've seen a lot of "fake" ZF41 guns that looked like they had never been tampered with, but a few other points to consider:

1.you say the e/359 looks good, but I'd just point out that repro stamps are not evenly bad, I've seen good ones.

2. Have you ever seen a legit e/359 ZF41 base? I don't recall ever seeing one. Even duv guns have e/214 marked ones. I don't see why Walther or HZW would have made mounts. Granted, I don't collect ZF41 guns or even like them particularly, so I'm open to being wrong on who developed them.

I agree, the cutout looks old and overall the rifle looks convincing, but shoes are terrible to eat, I've had to do it - I suggest flip flops if this turns bad as at least they are spongy and you can pretend they are pancakes. :laugh:
I would be interested as to the opinions of Kentomon and the other Gent that had the ZF41 Sight .There is so few Early ZF41`s known or even documented that I am aware of to even be able to do a comparison too it will be an interesting investigation . Hopefully one of the 2 mentioned collectors will chime in with some substantial info . ZF41`s are a whole separate collecting niche in by itself .

No wonder these Rifles , Scopes & Mounts are heavily collected in Europe . Looking forward to ongoing posts . Best Regards .
My byf43 has no WaA markings at all on the right side of the rear sight base and bears just a 135 marking on the rear corner on the left side . I don't like at all the 359 markings on this byf43 , they are wrong with this maker and year and also the style of the markings looks "strange" ...I will post some photos of mine later.
I don't know why this would have three e/359 inspections on it, which stamps look a little odd to me anyway. It would be more convincing without any such stamps. Check the fake die stamp library.

A person with moderate metal working / gunsmithing skills could make one of these. It's a matter of finding a sleeve, sweating it off, refinishing it, and sweating it on another barrel. Look at some of the documented originals in the reference library.
The assembly on its own:

On a matching rifle (documented vet bringback):

There are just some oddities and missing details, all of which don't give me a warm and fuzzy.
Ready with the photos so you can see the differences : K98k byf43 h block . The photo of the right side is dark , sorry , but trust me , there are no WaA markings at all.


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hi mauser99
is it possible to have photos without the stock
photo on the left side right mounting
photo above and below the mounting
best regards