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  1. sheepdog

    Opinion on authenticity

    Something funny about the front band for sure. Compare the 2s on the band to others on the rifle and look at the front bands on 42 Sauers in pictures section. I thought 42 Sauers had the small bolt take down disk too. The color of the stock looks odd. I'll defer to the more knowledgeable folks...
  2. sheepdog

    1916 DWM Luger with Black Widow Grips

    Both magazines are numbered. I've heard every story imaginable about the grips, from bubba to rework. I like the rework story better. I have several sets of Luger grips, none fit real good, the Black Widow grips fit perfectly. From what I was offered for them I can't help but think they don't...
  3. sheepdog

    1916 DWM Luger with Black Widow Grips

    My dad bought this 1916 DWM Luger in 1960 along with a nice Quist made m40 helmet, 1937 holster, tool, three boxes of 1944 ammo and an armband for $100. Yes the good old days. The Luger is numbers matching except for two Waa 655 aluminum based magazines. Most of the bluing is quite good, some...
  4. sheepdog

    Useful excerpts about soldiers disassembling K98k's, Waffenmeisters & field reworks

    To be honest the story I was thinking about was over a pair of very nice, comfortable boots that a medium to higher grade officer wouldn't need anymore. Boots that just happened to fit my father, a private. In camp he would have been disciplined severely for wearing them but on the front lines...
  5. sheepdog

    Useful excerpts about soldiers disassembling K98k's, Waffenmeisters & field reworks

    I can assure you from the few things I got out of my father, the rules and regulations were strictly adhered to in camp or away from the front lines. It was at the front lines where the German soldier pretty much threw the rules out the window, much like any other fighting force. If you needed a...
  6. sheepdog

    Walnut BNZ45

    And the guy that showed me that one was in the Wehrmacht during WWII too.
  7. sheepdog

    Walnut BNZ45

    If your good with colors in oil there are ways of using those, usually raw umber, in heavily turpentine thinned BLO to recreate a little age, my father was a master at this. I probably shouldn't mention the extremely thinned, dirty motor oil trick since I always get lit up for even thinking it...
  8. sheepdog

    Walnut BNZ45

    Using the theory that it's best to use the least hottest method of removing a finish off of old wood I prefer lacquer thinner to remove varnish. Doesn't evaporate quite as quick as acetone yet still leaves very little residue. To be sure there's no residue give it a final wipe down when you...
  9. sheepdog

    Walnut BNZ45

    Old shellac gets brittle (think flaky RCs) and sometimes you can peel it off with a plastic putty knife or even a thumbnail. You only have to use alcohol in the tough spots.
  10. sheepdog

    another rifle to break down

    Wrong front band, no DOT stamps on wood.
  11. sheepdog

    And here it is! The $1000 RC

    Sweaty Ben would have gotten $2000 for it after a little work on the numbers and war eagles.
  12. sheepdog

    For discussion or detection - let's debate

    How did "Sweaty Ben" miss that one.
  13. sheepdog

    Big Ben is at it again!

    Calling the RC serial number stamp on the left side of the prototype BS stock a rack number is getting into Mitchell's territory.
  14. sheepdog

    Big Ben is at it again!

    I never made it to the prototype so I had to check it out. Ben said it was for serious collectors like Mike and Bruce. I guess we know where they'll be tomorrow around noon. And the number on the left side of the prototype's stock is a rack number??? My RC has a rack number in the same spot, it...
  15. sheepdog

    Big Ben is at it again!

    The metal on them looks like it was done in black Imron. At least he has the door buster cupped butt plates on the later made rifles. Perhaps Ben's been watching this place
  16. sheepdog


    All the NR bidders are a very large red flag.
  17. sheepdog

    Prefered Years for the k98

    I like the early stuff especially Sauers.
  18. sheepdog

    question on RC bolt fit up

    I believe they did check headspace.
  19. sheepdog

    When junk sells for $3000 WTF!

    No War Eagles on this has Nazi Stamps.