I do not collect Mausers from after WW1, normally, but prices in the "old" days on RC rifles were too tempting. I have a JP Sauer from 1938 and a Borsigwald from 1939. Both came with electro pencilled serial numbers on the bolts matching the receiver serial number. The Borsigwald Mauser has a straight handle Czech bolt. Did the Russians, when putting these rifles together actually headspace them before serializing the bolts?
Both rifles shoot fine with the bolts they came with, but I find that my other Mausers made in Germany don't have headspace problems with mis-matched German bolts. I guess i am asking the question because of the Czech bolt.
This may be a silly question, but I would like my curiosity satisfied. Thanks.
Both rifles shoot fine with the bolts they came with, but I find that my other Mausers made in Germany don't have headspace problems with mis-matched German bolts. I guess i am asking the question because of the Czech bolt.
This may be a silly question, but I would like my curiosity satisfied. Thanks.