Search results

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    Machting byf 44 on Gunbroker and the high bidder

    sreisel what is up with this guy? he has two kornbuschs. and some other crazy stuff.. hah
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    G29 ö

    wow. looks new
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    Gew98 - Simson & Suh 1925 Stamp - Sporterized - General Info and Restoration Tips

    I have a stock I can sell you. It is not 100% correct for your rifle but will fit and make it look original. Private message me if you are interested.
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    Suhl bayonets 1915 and 1916

    Hey guys, would like to show off my suhl bayonets. You can see the differences between the years. I find it interesting to see how they changed. Let me know what you think.
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    how to "dispose" of Leiheft Heft 4; April 1943

    let me know i will def. take it.
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    84/98 ddl 44

    looks brand new
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    My New To Me Mismatched 98...

    the two hole front site cover is Israeli
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    Burried german ww2 weapons found at school

    wow! i think it would be so cool to find weapon caches like that!
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    how to "dispose" of Leiheft Heft 4; April 1943

    How much are you looking to get for it? Ill take it.
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    Amberg 1916 with Weimar eagles

    hey guys. saw this at my local gun store yesterday. it has been sportorized and the rear sight has been taken off. also it has been chromed... not really looking to buy it, but just wanted to figure out what it is. hah.. it also has a lion on the left side next to the serial # maybe its a...
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    "H" style cutout instead of full milled barrel band.. Why?

    i think it just comes down to styling to be honest.
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    maybe some one cut it off at one point and realized that was a bad idea? haha but this is very weird .
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    byf 44 f block white glue stock

    totally jealous! love it! love the wood.
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    Feldfernsprecher 33 - Field Telephone 33

    Thanks for the advice. i will have to start searching.
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    Feldfernsprecher 33 - Field Telephone 33

    Makes me want to have a set now...
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    1916 vcs suhl

    haha yeah. i saw it on there and "had to have it" moment kicked in. i will take some picutres of the right side tonight.
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    A true Gem: matched bringback svwMB. Pic heavy.

    Howards or not. its still a sexy rifle!
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    GEW SS Rework

    i think you have a really crap rifle.... so you should sell it to me cheap... hahaha but if you want to unload it PM me and ill take it off your hands! :D
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    1916 vcs suhl

    and one last picture. the capture screws also have the proof marks on them. so they must be original too. i forgot to show the numbers on these when i first made this thread.