My New To Me Mismatched 98...


Picked this up for a very reasonable price, a starting point for me and am reading as much as I can before I set out to find a a pristine example.... The rough machining marks on the reciever threw me a bit at first, but I snagged it anyways. If the targets where real, it is a nice shooter and the flying flower pot as he was trying to show the rifling was too funny.....
Pick apart what is totally goofed up, I'll make notes and continue research...



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stock is numbered so it is not likely original to the rifle and the front sight cover has the two holes in it which are not german. Yugo maybe?
Looks refinished, and has a blued buttplate, so it looks.
That's a fine starter rifle. The stock is from a Yugo captured rifle and it's hard to determine the origin of the other small parts. We all started with mismatched rifles and they're great learning tools.