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  1. sauer

    ZF41 Study

    hello Ken oh yes! look here is a second new variant zf41 kov+ the serial number is early 202f
  2. sauer

    ZF41 Study

    Ken very nice the picture :thumbsup:
  3. sauer

    Images needed for Volume 2 - Gustloff and Mauser Berlin

    bcd/ar 42 hello look the picture bcb/ar 42 zf41 letter F
  4. sauer


    hi i'm missing some parts on my bmj can you help me find these parts thanks
  5. sauer

    Sniper Pictures

    zf41 here is a picture of a waffen ss with its 98k zf41 you will notice that his face is tense
  6. sauer

    Sniper Pictures

    sauer ssr look the picture
  7. sauer

    Is this Zf41 mount real ?

    it's original assembly here we see the letter i
  8. sauer

    zf41 can for discussion

    hi ken here a cans of color transition originally it was green and it was painted sand color you will notice small green patches in some pictures i also put a picture of two colored send cans for esay comparison
  9. sauer

    Opinons Please Regarding this Sniper

    never cad on a low turret assembly : fake
  10. sauer

    BCD/AR Dual Code ZF-41 Sniper 8013A

    for info for your rifle you'd need a cxn with a serial number:91000 or jve serial number :3100 or ddv :2000
  11. sauer

    BCD/AR Dual Code ZF-41 Sniper 8013A

    hello hercules here are the first of my bcd/ar
  12. sauer

    BCD/AR Dual Code ZF-41 Sniper 8013A

    yes tonino I confirm no wa26 in the year 43
  13. sauer

    BCD/AR Dual Code ZF-41 Sniper 8013A

    it should be noted that you have a cone type rail 3 knowing that there are 3 types rail AR for the year 42
  14. sauer

    BCD/AR Dual Code ZF-41 Sniper 8013A

    there never wa26 on the side for the dual code
  15. sauer

    BCD/AR Dual Code ZF-41 Sniper 8013A

    hello hercules one question: what you have there ? a number,a letter? your receiver is it numbered?
  16. sauer

    Fake or not LSR scope can

    re copy aas best regards
  17. sauer

    Zielvier LT 1940

    very nice xavier à bientôt chiote biloute!!!:moon:
  18. sauer

    Sauer Low Turret Sniper

    hello yes very nice the sauer low turret 44 best regards thank you!!
  19. sauer

    Opinons Please Regarding this Turret Sniper

    hello hadenuph sorry the 98k turret: trash can best regards