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  1. K

    Paint Filled Serial Numbers

    I’ve used just a plain white crayons crayon. Helps me see markings better and is easily removed with a wood toothpick
  2. K

    New addition to the family

    Pics sent to your address. If you have pics of yours I’d like to see them also
  3. K

    New addition to the family

    Sure thing, I’ll get you some pics either tonight or tomorrow
  4. K

    New addition to the family

    I happen to have an earlier stock, flat buttplate, h style front band etc. it needs a little tlc, has remains of Russian schellac on it. If you are interested in a trade I will be glad to send you pics
  5. K

    My byf44

    Would anyone be interested in my early stock for a later one?
  6. K

    My byf44

    I hope you all enjoyed the pics, I couldn’t believe it myself when I saw the price on it, bought it at a pawn shop near my work. I also bought a Japanese bayonet and scabbard for $20. Someone tried to sharpen it in the past but I figured it was worth it.
  7. K

    My byf44

    Another two pics
  8. K

    My byf44

    Another pic
  9. K

    My byf44

    I looks like there was some blueing on the bolt but it has worn off. I see traces of it on the bolt
  10. K

    My byf44

    Yes, I don’t know what that is
  11. K

    My byf44

    I’ll take some more pics and post them tomorrow
  12. K

    My byf44

    Hi all, Here is my byf44 I just bought. All matching except the stock hardware and stock.( it is an earlier style stock). Got it for $250. No import marks, it is a bring back more than likely.