Third Party Press

Search results

  1. OzzMan

    1917 Danzig Depot 5 Rework

    Seeing some neat old rifles is nice but it’s high time we get some fresh ones in here. I picked this up the other day. A Danzig 1917 production rifle that was reworked at Depot 5 (Koblenz). The bore on the rifle is quite nice. All the parts match minus the screws, bolt, and middle barrel band...
  2. OzzMan

    T-Gewehr Part Needed

    Post pics and a video of you can!
  3. OzzMan

    Update on FG42 from SMG Guns

    Sent you a message.
  4. OzzMan

    Update on FG42 from SMG Guns

    I would love to get on the list for one of these rifles. But it is currently closed. If anyone here decides they no longer want their’s let me know! Now that I obtained my TNW 34. The SMG FG-42 is next!
  5. OzzMan


    I will have to do some digging. I have one. Just need to find it and I will try to get a copy to you.
  6. OzzMan

    Danzig 1903

    As requested. Here are the markings on the side of the receiver, the underside of the receiver, and the underside of the barrel. Sound about the odd cropping. Still figuring out my phone’s camera.
  7. OzzMan

    Danzig 1903

    Will do. I planned on getting all the markings on the matching parts to the receiver.
  8. OzzMan

    Danzig 1903

    Hello all! First off I would like to thank Jordan, Warrior1354, and Mike, Feldmutze, for the help on this rifle. It’s not the prettiest thing on the planet, but it’s what got me started on Imperial German weaponry and militaria. After about a year of getting this rifle, I have finally...
  9. OzzMan


    Was there any decision on making a sticky post on good reference books that aren’t outdated?
  10. OzzMan

    T-Gewehr Dies

    Get a video! A T-Gewehr is on my list of things to add to my collection in the long run.
  11. OzzMan


    It would also be a good idea to post it up to gunboards as well in case there is anyone here that is a mod there. It would be good to spread the knowledge.
  12. OzzMan


    Is there a general thread that goes into good reference/historical information books for various rifles and handguns? For example, Hitler’s Garands. If not, i think something should be made. There are a ton of great books out there with a lot of information. Being somewhat new to the firearm...
  13. OzzMan

    New member

    Hello all. I’m new here but have been on other sites for quite some time. I’m starting to get heavily into collecting WWI stuff. I look forward to researching and doing business with everyone here.

Military Rifle Journal