Third Party Press

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  1. Brian Kowalski

    Canadian Vet Bring Back - dot 1944 - White Glue

    Did it also come with any quality "Baked goods"?
  2. Brian Kowalski

    qve45 a block

    As Matt indicated, Berlin Lubecker rifles can occasionally have some "chatter" (as pictured is typical), and not nearly as prevalent and severe as Walther. With BLM, in my opinion, it is the exception when chatter is found, as most seem to have a slightly higher lever of care put into final...
  3. Brian Kowalski

    K.43 ac45 a block question

    As it has been pointed out, this is not un-common to see these "anomolies" in the a-d blocks of Walther production. In addition, I suspect that the production was not "liner", i.e. they probably had several letter blocks, in production, at the same time. Hence, part of the reason why we some...
  4. Brian Kowalski

    ZF4 sunshade/rubber

    Pics are worth a thousand words.
  5. Brian Kowalski

    G43/K43 Pouch study

    "cxb" maybe...tough to read at all.
  6. Brian Kowalski

    G43/K43 Pouch study

    Unmarked...looks like a QKV sort of.
  7. Brian Kowalski

    G43/K43 Pouch study

    A few vet bring backs. First, fuq 1944
  8. Brian Kowalski

    G43/K43 Pouch study

    Feel free to share any G43 pouches you may have. So many varieties out there! Of particular interest would be known vet bring backs.
  9. Brian Kowalski

    Possible Forum Meeting SOS, Thurs PM

    Was a great time, with great people! :happy0180: Had to get back to work so I could rest up.
  10. Brian Kowalski

    G43 AC45 question

    In the "b" block of 1945, it is not too unusual to see the barrel type you describe. They used whatever was available to get a weapon out the door I suspect.
  11. Brian Kowalski

    North Africa Capture Piles

    Thanks, great pics. G41m in last pic too I believe...not many GI pics with those!
  12. Brian Kowalski

    Thanks to Peter S.

    Just a lovely K43...and the 98K is pretty nice too! Nice to see the phosphated trigger guard screws too, which show up randomly on these late ac45's. Seems that no two ac45 G/K43's (and many late ac44 examples) are ever the same, so many minor differences. I think one can collect just...
  13. Brian Kowalski

    K43 AC 44 "g" or "q" block w/ matching ZF4 scope mount

    Yes, all matching G/K43 snipers are pretty tough to find. On this one, has anybody noticed the odd ZF4 scope markings...triangle is upside down, numbering is applied slanted etc..
  14. Brian Kowalski

    G./K.43 Period pics and videos

    They do look awfully "Healthy" too. :facepalm:
  15. Brian Kowalski

    G./K.43 Period pics and videos

    Quite possible reenactors. Good eye...someone will verify eventually.
  16. Brian Kowalski

    G./K.43 Period pics and videos

    New for me.
  17. Brian Kowalski

    An unmarked scope mount

    if you insist.
  18. Brian Kowalski

    An unmarked scope mount

    OK, as long as we are discussing un-marked mounts.....
  19. Brian Kowalski

    Need advise!zf 4 scopemount

    LTC, great and informative discussion here on one type of reproduction ZF4 mount out there. Thanks.

Military Rifle Journal