Third Party Press

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  1. Dave Roberts

    Identifying Zielsechs scope

    The Scope is an Aluminum body Zeiss 6X Commecial Type scope . Here is a link showing what the Mounts look like
  2. Dave Roberts

    Zeiss single claw scope

    The Scope Tube and Saddle assembly are original but the range dial is not original to scope neither are the Rings , Rings are reproduction
  3. Dave Roberts

    BYF 43 L block safety lever question

    I sent a reply to Your PM in the PM section .
  4. Dave Roberts

    BYF 43 L block safety lever question

    I replied to your PM I have a 135 Proofed Armorers Safety for you per your request .
  5. Dave Roberts

    Did sniper triggers have spikes?

    Not only does it smell like BS , it is BS
  6. Dave Roberts

    Double claw mount variation

    I agree with what biggymu said . Total Post War fantasy piece
  7. Dave Roberts

    Early Reichswehr mounted Zeiss Zielvier

    Yes exactly thats the Set . What a beautiful piece of WW1 Junk and rare set at that . Very hard to forget about this one !!!!!!!
  8. Dave Roberts

    BYF 43 L block safety lever question

    Nice looking BYF43 !!!! If You need or maybe want an Armorers Safety send me a PM , I have a few Mauser Armorers Safeties .
  9. Dave Roberts

    Early Reichswehr mounted Zeiss Zielvier

    Georg You are correct about what Amberg said about the Danzig Mount , He actually posted pics of a WW1 Scope with Danzig Mounts and a Matching Can that he got years back , I searched for the photos here last night for over 2 hours and could not find them . Hopeful he will see this thread and...
  10. Dave Roberts

    Shortened Gewehr SS Objective Mount 1639

    Mike you are very welcome , so glad I had the correct stock that was a perfect and correct replacement to the original butchered one . One more saved from the bubba garbage pile of history .
  11. Dave Roberts

    Shortened Gewehr SS Objective Mount 1639

    Very interesting and rarer variant of an SS Objective Mount Sniper Rifle , this is the 1st and only one that I am aware of that was built using a Gew98 rifle , with that being said I have photographic evidence that there was also full length Gew98 SS OM rifle . Rifle came out very nicely...
  12. Dave Roberts

    Low turret

    As I said the Front Ring is not Period/Original the configuration is incorrect . Here is what the underside of Front Ring should look like . The one on scope is like Argentine type .
  13. Dave Roberts

    Low turret

    I concur with You Xavier it is a nice copy . Curious to see the range dial myself The Front Ring is certainly a copy/repro as the configuration is incorrect for period original . Best Regards
  14. Dave Roberts

    sniper safety, real or repro, if real, value?

    That Safety is one of Robert Spielauer`s repro . How do I know because Robert proofed marked his with a WaA135 Proof Mark At the time Robert was selling them for $125.00 USD
  15. Dave Roberts

    K98K Byf 1944 double claw

    None of the 3 are original Sniper Rifles .
  16. Dave Roberts

    bcd/ar dual codes

    Thanks for sharing some great looking rifles Craig !!!!!!!!
  17. Dave Roberts

    Ajack 4x90 41xxx

    Here is 3 more Ajack Scope all in the 41XXX Serial Range all have Focal line with dot and 2 actually have markings on the Focus Ring . The Ajack on the Rifle is a War time produced rifle made I believe at Brunn according to Clay under German Occupation .
  18. Dave Roberts

    K98K Byf 1944 double claw

    The rifle is a real BYF44 , but it is not an original period SSDC
  19. Dave Roberts

    K98K Byf 1944 double claw

    Nice Scope & Bases

Military Rifle Journal