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  1. M

    Legit K43

    I guess I have some concerns on this one. What are you thoughts? Good to go or pass
  2. M

    Reputable Sites for helmets

    Waiting for acceptance on ghw. Are there opinions on
  3. M

    Reputable Sites for helmets

    Afternoon fellas, I'm looking to start collecting some helmets, M35's M40's and M42's. I'd like to know what are some reputable sites out there that the experienced collectors would advise to either look at or not look at.
  4. M

    41 G33/40 Thoughts

    I paid $800.00 I guess my thinking is that 1) you don't see these out there that often and 2) RC's can go for $700.00. If its in the opinion I overpaid I could contact the seller or just turn around and sell it myself in my area with a better description. I wasnt to worried about the barrel...
  5. M

    41 G33/40 Thoughts

    Hmm. Well i knew going into it the barrel didn't match. The guy said they had the barrel put on years ago. Thouhts on the sling? Also, if you guys were to put an amount on it, what would it be? If i'm out a lot i may see if the seller would take it back.
  6. M

    41 G33/40 Thoughts

    Hi all. Just bought this from the gunboards forum. Seller sent pictures and I thought all looked good. He didn't know much about these as he was selling for family friend. I knew going into the purchase the barrel, from what i was told was new old stock? I have been trying to do as much...
  7. M

    NOTICE - Vol.1 stock very low

    I went ahead a bought the set!
  8. M

    Dou. 42 help

    Ahhh.. Didn't notice. Thanks.
  9. M

    Dou. 42 help

    Is it drilled and tapped?
  10. M

    1943 P38 Holster

    Thanks for all the info guys! I'll be attending a gun show in my area this weekend. Although I haven't seen to many P38 or luger holsters at them it doesn't mean they're not there. I'll just have to keep my eyes peeled. I tend to watch ebay extensively for them and like any other person, i'm...
  11. M

    1943 P38 Holster

    Thanks guys. Thats what i was kind of expecting.
  12. M

    1943 P38 Holster

    Just curious what a decent P38 holster should run. Looking for one for my 43. Ive been looking at the hardshells. Preferably brown leather. I know there are rare makers out there that can run high but i'm just looking at a run of the mill. Also, is a eue a rare maker?
  13. M

    1938 S/42 3702 C Striped Walnut

    Great looking rifle. Love those stripes!
  14. M

    Why is linseed oil not a good idea?

    Thanks.. If my stock wasn't sanded I would've left it alone. Unfortunately is an S/42 1936 matching, well what is left. I'm trying to restore it back and match the hand guard and front of the duffle repair.
  15. M

    Why is linseed oil not a good idea?

    Yikes. Well I have a lightly sanded stock that i'm trying to match the hand guard to(the reddish tint). I thought raw linseed oil was good? Guess i got the wrong info. I've already put about 4 coats it. Should i do something else to protect it?
  16. M

    A couple of P38's

    Looking to get rid of a couple P38's. Just wanted to see what guys thought they might be worth. 1944 cyq all matching with jvd magazine and black molded grips. Good shiny bore 1945 svw "Gray Ghost" matching 2 mags. Good shiny bore
  17. M

    K43 Auction Kansas

    Ok, I remember your name on the bidding. I was ticked the rest of the day i didn't get to bid again. Someone on the floor won it.
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    K43 Auction Kansas

    Unfortunately i cant share any links since the auction has closed...... I've been kicking myself all day for not bidding again. I might be be able to save some pics from the auction website to share.
  19. M

    K43 Auction Kansas

    Well, missed to bid at the last second to win what would be a nice looking K43 ac44 this morning from an auction in Kansas. Just curious as to if any member on this forum won it. looked like the winning bidder was from the KC metro.:thumbsup:

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