As I did before we ran out of Vol.3 Kriegsmodell, I'm giving a heads up to the forum members who have been on the fence about spending the money for books that we are at critical mass on Vol.1 stock. We have maybe 100-130 books, most of which we plan on holding back to make 3 book sets from.
So - if you want to buy a single copy of Vol.1, you should do it soon, as I am going to be taking down the ability to buy just Vol.1 from the website . For those that don't know, once the book sells out its hard at first to find them used, then gets nearly impossible unless you pay ridiculous amounts of money. We have maybe 25-30 books we plan on selling as singles, the rest are going in sets. Dealers just hit our inventory hard when they figured it out, so you should be able to find them singly from other dealers once we stop selling singles, but expect an increased price on the secondary market. I think Vol.3 is over $200 now, we sold it for $95.
We will have full sets for probably another year, unless there is a run on them (which has happened). Once these Vol.1 books sell out, we aren't printing more, just like Vol.3's. We have plenty of Vol.2 in stock so no worries if you want to wait a year or two on that book.
So - if you want to buy a single copy of Vol.1, you should do it soon, as I am going to be taking down the ability to buy just Vol.1 from the website . For those that don't know, once the book sells out its hard at first to find them used, then gets nearly impossible unless you pay ridiculous amounts of money. We have maybe 25-30 books we plan on selling as singles, the rest are going in sets. Dealers just hit our inventory hard when they figured it out, so you should be able to find them singly from other dealers once we stop selling singles, but expect an increased price on the secondary market. I think Vol.3 is over $200 now, we sold it for $95.
We will have full sets for probably another year, unless there is a run on them (which has happened). Once these Vol.1 books sell out, we aren't printing more, just like Vol.3's. We have plenty of Vol.2 in stock so no worries if you want to wait a year or two on that book.