Third Party Press

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  1. L

    Merry Xmas to all!

    Merry Christmas!
  2. L

    T-Gewehr Stories these folks might have something thatll work, or they can make a custom mold within some dimensional limits. i doubt you will get anything the same length or shape, but if you want to shoot a bit cheaper and much softer loads might be worth looking into. i...
  3. L

    T-Gewehr Stories

    man thats cool ammo… whats the diameter of the bullet? id start with wheel weights which are a bit harder than pure lead and go from there, and if your happy with 1500 fps wheel weights would be fine. what i dont know is what cast guys are using for powder in the 50bmg, and how close the...
  4. L

    T-Gewehr Stories

    hmmm…ever looked into cast bullets for it? ive seen Banjomikes rifle its sweet! maybe some day ill go there, could probably neck size only and save a few bucks if you loaded cast. ive neck sized some odd case necks w pistol dies, then had a custom expander pilot made i use to open them up to...
  5. L

    Dresden Sterngewehr rear sling mount question

    hi all, in the process of cleaning up the sterngewehr, i noticed the rear sling mount has a sling loop attached. i looked over a bunch of rifles in the sticky section and didnt see any others with this style sling attachment point. is this one a as issued mount or did bubba add a hangar to the...
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    No suffix Dresden Sterngewehr?

    thx! i see a few matching k98ks, this is the first good matching GEW98 ive ran into. being a sterngewehr was a bonus, didnt know the details till i got to diggin after i bought it. im up on the dont screw up the wood stuff lol, and i know it can be a sore subject. no power tools, chemicals, or...
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    No suffix Dresden Sterngewehr?

    wow! thats a stunning rifle. thanks for posting the link. neat to compare to mine and see the similarities and the differences.
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    No suffix Dresden Sterngewehr?

    thx again guys, i edited post above to remove potentially offensive stock cleaning content
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    No suffix Dresden Sterngewehr?

    thx for the comments everyone…! the "diversity" of receivers and sub-variations would make a modern democrat glow with pride…😳 yep, there is a /17 after the date on the receiver date. i have already sacrificed my t shirt for mondays flight getting some crud off lol. not sure i have enough old...
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    No suffix Dresden Sterngewehr?

    Yea, couple bad pits, floorplate and gas shield. otherwise itll look ok when cleaned up. forgot i had a nice screwdriver set in the company car for a situation like this, so i popped the wood off. not much under the woodline, but heres pix
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    No suffix Dresden Sterngewehr?

    Thx Chris, was wondering about the stock since the markings werent matching other examples i looked at
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    No suffix Dresden Sterngewehr?

    thx! much appreciated…i didnt grab pix of the bayo lug or rear sight slider but they match. internal parts will have to wait till i get home
  13. L

    No suffix Dresden Sterngewehr?

    thx Jdt! i made what i thought was a fair offer, the shop is one of my hidden gems up in the northeast, i do alot of business w them. I dont low ball them, they put stuff back they know ill like and give me 1st dibs 😳
  14. L

    No suffix Dresden Sterngewehr?

    bolt pix, small mark under handle, cant tell if the others are stamps or just corrosion…
  15. L

    No suffix Dresden Sterngewehr?

    Hey all, heres one i found today in my travels, appears all matching but rough. After diggin around here i believe its a no suffix Dresden Sterngewehr. No rod present. Story from shop was it was found in a barrel in a barn along with a bunch of other rifles, mostly poor comdition sporting...
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    KAR 88 thoughts

    thx again everyone, ive never seen one of these carbines and was curious if it would be worth the ride to go examine it anyways. guess i wont bother, unless something else decent turns up down there
  17. L

    KAR 88 thoughts

    thx guys, they asking almost 1600, outta line for me. so some police dept may have ground off the sight ears? any more details on that? im not interested in the gun as it is but always like to learn details thx!
  18. L

    KAR 88 thoughts

    dang missed the sight ears, thats why i ask! ty sir!

Military Rifle Journal