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  1. GeeOwn

    Murray’s vs Fox K98k Stock

    Oh this is good to know! It would be going on a shooter. I have a byf43 that’s mostly matching (minus the bands and stock) that shoots great. Previous owner sanded the shoulder for the rear band smooth so there’s no step in the stock for it to bump up to. Been lurking for a nice cupped...
  2. GeeOwn

    Murray’s vs Fox K98k Stock

    Thanks! I hope it turns out well too!
  3. GeeOwn

    Murray’s vs Fox K98k Stock

    Thanks for the input! I’ve actually seen this thread and it had me considering a Minelli. I just remembered having to sand so much on a 1903a3 I had years ago I was a bit turned off by the idea… this may be a last resort option for me.
  4. GeeOwn

    Murray’s vs Fox K98k Stock

    Hoping this would be the best place to post this, but I’m looking to get a new walnut cupped stock for my byf43. I know Lez does great work but does anyone have experience with Murray’s stocks? I also know about the Minelli stocks but haven’t had great luck with them in the past (1903a3 project).
  5. GeeOwn

    Anyone heard from Leszek Foks?

    He just responded to an email I sent about a month ago. Sounds like his website isn’t working right and he’s dealing with some health issues.
  6. GeeOwn

    Cupped buttplate on flat stock?

    All great info! Thanks everyone!
  7. GeeOwn

    Cupped buttplate on flat stock?

    Hope I’m posting this in the right area. Does anyone know if it’s possible to install a cupped buttplate on a flat buttplate stock? Im considering a Minnelli repro project for my byf 43. Im not sure if after removing the necessary wood to fit the cupped plate the screw holes would line up...
  8. GeeOwn

    Period Correct K98k Stock

    Hi! I have an “f” block BYF 43 that needs a new stock (the one it currently has is not matching). I was thinking about ordering one from Fox Military but I’m unsure what to get as I want one that would be period correct. I like the idea of a cupped hardwood stock but did they issue them as late...
  9. GeeOwn

    Barrel missing markings?

    After looking at some Yugo markings I think you may be on to something. Thanks for the input! Bit of a bummer cause I was hoping the barrel was original German- that and bummed it’s not chambering.
  10. GeeOwn

    Barrel missing markings?

    I’ll need to take it to a smith… bolt won’t close on a factory 8mm round. Hoping it’s just a dirty chamber or something simple but I’m not getting my hopes up.
  11. GeeOwn

    Barrel missing markings?

    Stock is numbered 217in the barrel channel with a few other stamps in the action/bedding area. Not much on the outside… just an “8” or “B” on top of the wrist behind the tang with a “D” and something I can’t make out on the bottom of the grip.
  12. GeeOwn

    Barrel missing markings?

    Yeah, I was afraid of that. The stamp doesn’t look very clean either…
  13. GeeOwn

    Barrel missing markings?

    Anyone have any thoughts on this? From all I’ve see there should be some sort of proof or code on the barrel. All I can find is a “K-3” on the right side above the stock line and a few illegible markings on the same side below the line. A “217” (the serial number) is stamped on the bottom...

Military Rifle Journal