Recent content by Hi_c

  1. H

    2016 Best Finds of the Year

    Matching S147/K... Mic drop Acquisition - S147K Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. H

    K98k bcd/ar matching

    Good find! I have a similar story with my find several months ago. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. H

    This is really getting out of hand..

    Driving economic demand... Might be time to sell high and then buy low in a year or two! Sent from the woods (or work)
  4. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    Right, I don't think sauer made bayos. But a matching K date bayo would be awesome. I've been watching eBay and they are running about $150 for a matching pair. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    I was checking out the rifle again tonight and found a stamp in the stock on the right side in front of the butt plate. There is another in front of it, if you look closely. Check it out. Sent from the woods (or work)
  6. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    As I've researched, Sauer didn't make bayonets. Right? So just a K date bayonet is the idea, keeping both 1934. Sent from the woods (or work)
  7. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    So I'm like 5 days into this collecting thing, find a gem on accident, and now I want a S175k bayonet (1934) to match the rifle. Am I crazy? Does it add value together or is it just the sum of the individual values? Also, anybody have one? I figure I should look for matching # on bayonet and...
  8. H

    New guy K98 R.C.?

    I'm new too and won't be able to help, but I can tell you this: you'll get more answers with a few pics. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    Yes when the owner said "I just want them gone" I knew that I had just exorcised the demons from her home. Gladly, I might add. Ps, it helps to be known by your friends as the redneck who like guns and stuff. Sent from the woods (or work)
  10. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    Here's how much silly luck I have and the only story that goes with it. My wife was buying a kids table and chair set from her co-worker who was cleaning out her house. I didn't even know she was doing this. When she arrived, the lady says "do you think (Hi_C) would want these guns? They...
  11. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    The very little bit of research I've seen on cleaning rods says the tapered head and pointed thread indicate original and early. But no firm evidence of a serial number 42 or even a Waffenamt under the slot. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    On the first pic below, it seems like there is the remnant of an etching from the side, but when facing that side, it looks like nothing to me. What do y'all see? A 42 on that last pic? Sent from the woods (or work)
  13. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    I assume you mean inside since exterior pics have been posted. The rifling grooves are strong and there doesn't appear to be pitting or other damage. I've only cleaned the dust out, not really cleaned the bore with a brass-bristle brush and break-free or oil. I don't think I'm gonna. Sent...
  14. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    Wow. Seriously?! I certainly don't feel experienced enough to do that. I would love to do something to retain the pliability and life of the sling and getting the marks on the stock to reappear would be awesome. But frankly, I don't trust anyone with the rifle. I barely trust my wife with...
  15. H

    Acquisition - S147K

    Yeah, that end is the blackest. I'll put the light oil rag on the rod tonight to see if I can wipe away the loose crud to reveal the number and Waffenamt. Not gonna scrub too hard though. I do know that it has the pointed screw end which seems to indicate original. Seems that repros have a...