Acquisition - S147K

So I'm like 5 days into this collecting thing, find a gem on accident, and now I want a S175k bayonet (1934) to match the rifle. Am I crazy? Does it add value together or is it just the sum of the individual values? Also, anybody have one? I figure I should look for matching # on bayonet and scabbard.

Sent from the woods (or work)
Super rifle. I wouldn't worry about bayonets personally.
You have lucked into a cherry early K98k.
I wish it would happen to me.
I wouldn't be so concerned in finding a bayonet that is the same manufacturer. This wouldn't have been period correct. Just like any army the soldier gets what the army gives them. For example, the soldier most likely would have had a wooden handled bayonet; however, it would have probably came from another manufacturer. I have a BYF 44 (100% Matching), yet I chose a period correct bayonet that just happened to be a 44, but it has bakelite hand grips, which would be correct for that time. The soldier of the time easily could have been issued a 43 bayonet. I feel it does add to the value, but the same maker, not necessary, just personal preference.
As I've researched, Sauer didn't make bayonets. Right? So just a K date bayonet is the idea, keeping both 1934.

Sent from the woods (or work)
I do not believe so, but I'm only vaguely familiar with K98 Bayonets and what to look for. Not so much all the makers. From my previous experience I have never seen one older then 1938, so if you do find one i'm assuming it will be quite the pretty penny.
I was checking out the rifle again tonight and found a stamp in the stock on the right side in front of the butt plate. There is another in front of it, if you look closely. Check it out.

Sent from the woods (or work)
Right, I don't think sauer made bayos. But a matching K date bayo would be awesome. I've been watching eBay and they are running about $150 for a matching pair.

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