ZF-4 reproduction scopes: Meopta vs. Japanese


Well-known member
Of the ZF-4 reproduction scope manufactures for the G-43’s, which is the best as far as quality and durability? Meopta or Japanese? I believe the waffenmeister scopes are Japanese. Numrichs are Meopta.
Not sure about either in regards to the k43 scope, but I believe Meopta makes the Nightforce 82mm spotting scope that I have and Jesus that thing is sick. Unbelievable glass, as it should be for what it costs.
I could be wrong but I think waffenmeister scopes are maybe from Taiwan.

I would say Meopta are the better of the two scopes - primarily because they actually made ZF4 scopes for the Germans in WWII as well as other scopes.

I have handled both (Frankonia use to sell the Meopta version with a reproduction scope box).

Meopta also makes some very good hunting glass - their scopes are heavier than Swaro, Leica, Zeiss, but they are very clear and durable.
At this point I guess it doesn’t matter. I just order a set from Waffenmeister. It cane
Down to needing the mount more than needing a storage box. The next question is, do I really need the rubber eye piece and sunshade to use this scope?
At this point I guess it doesn’t matter. I just order a set from Waffenmeister. It cane
Down to needing the mount more than needing a storage box. The next question is, do I really need the rubber eye piece and sunshade to use this scope?
You need neither to actually use the scope. Both are nice add-ons and terrific if you have originals but neither is a requirement and there are plenty of original rigs out there that had neither.
I’ll give it some time for the purchase shock for the scope and mount to wear off. Then I’ll look into a set of eye pieces and a scope cover.
I could be wrong but I think waffenmeister scopes are maybe from Taiwan.

I would say Meopta are the better of the two scopes - primarily because they actually made ZF4 scopes for the Germans in WWII as well as other scopes.

I have handled both (Frankonia use to sell the Meopta version with a reproduction scope box).

Meopta also makes some very good hunting glass - their scopes are heavier than Swaro, Leica, Zeiss, but they are very clear and durable.
I spoke to them on the phone. The scopes are made in Japan but the mounts come out of Taiwan.
I've had one of the Meopta units on my SMG FG42's for years. It's top notch Quality. I had a choice between an optic by a world class manufacturer or one by someone I've never even heard of. The choice was easy.

Comparison of the modern Meopta ZF4 to an original. Wow - 12x years ago.....I am getting old which is better than the alternative.
I purchased the modern Meopta as it also came with a reproduction FG42 Swept Back Scope Mount - eventually I found an original 'L' marked scope and sold off the modern Meopta to help fund it.

Waffenmesiter has one of the better and functional reproduction mounts out there for the G/K43. There are some nicer ones in Europe but cost 2-4x the price.