That case was bright and shiny before it was fired.I've never had a failure with clean, bright surplus Yugo ammo. The case in the photo above corroded from the inside out. It would have been discolored before it was fired.
Been shooting Yugo surplus for 20± years and never had a single issue. Not to say that there can't be.
edit: I'm pretty sure when I really started digging one of the threads I found about the G/K43s getting killed by 50s Yugo was right here on these forums.
That's what encouraged me to hand load. I shot that 70s Romanian 8mm Mauser that everyone loves to say is amazing and I fired 35 rounds of the stuff and about half had gas blowing back in my face. Luckily Mauser's design worked as intended and I had shooting glasses on but, it dicey shooting surplus.Yeah, the first one was a brown shorts moment but I just chalked it up to one of those things.
With the second (same case of ammo, different K98k, maybe a year later) I swore off old ammo in general. I ended up doing a bunch of research into how powder ages and just got scared off in general. My personal rule of thumb now is that I'll only shoot ammo less than 50 years old, and only from militaries/countries that I'm reasonably confident of their storage conditions being up to snuff. So Swiss GP11 from the 70s? Sure, I'll shoot that. The Greek HXP that the CMP used to sell? Sure, plus that stuff was shot extensively enough that I'm pretty sure bad failures would have been widely reported on the CMP forums. That said, the little bit I have left only gets fed to the 1903 and I'm not buying more when it's gone. I've also got some 90s era 7N1 that I'd be willing to shoot, but I'm probably going to just sell it instead because it's corrosively primed and not that much more accurate than my hand loads.
But Yugo ammo from the 50s? Nope. That Ethiopian 8mm that was out a while ago? Nope. That bandoleer of Turkish 8mm I've still got kicking around at the back of a box somewhere? One of these days I'll get around to pulling the bullets, but the cases and powder are scrap metal and fertilizer as far as I'm concerned.
edit: I'm pretty sure when I really started digging one of the threads I found about the G/K43s getting killed by 50s Yugo was right here on these forums.
I sold all the army surpluses of Yugoslavia and the Czech Republic from the 50s at least 10 years ago. As the failures and bursting of cartridges began to gradually appear, it was time to say goodbye to it. I only shoot cartridges that I reload myself from new components. I don't even use modern factory production. It seems to me unnecessarily too strong for old collection rifles. Anyone who shoots an expensive collector's item costing thousands of dollars should realize that it's not worth breaking it up with some cheap shite ammo just to save half a dollar.
While we're on the subject:
Has anyone ever salvaged the bullets and powder and reloaded these into new production cases? How'd they do?