Wide Band LSR Mount and Narrow Band LSR Mount


Senior Member
Here is a comparison of a Wide band DKL Sauer Type LSR Scope and Mount compared to a Narrow Band BCD LSR Type Scope and Mount. Sauer LSR DKL Scope was original to mount. I put the phosphate BEK in the Narrow Band Mount as it did not come with a scope and BEK Scope did not have mount.

I think the phosphate BEK goes well with this mount, but the narrow band with BEK scope in Volume 2a book is blued.

Thanks for any replies.


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Hello Matt. There are not very many narrow band mounts. I was debating what scope to use. Thanks for your interest.

superb! Hercules
one question: do you have a photo of the reticle of the dkl and the bek

superb! Hercules
one question: do you have a photo of the reticle of the dkl and the bek

Hello Sauer. Here is a photo of the reticle in the DKL. Both scopes have had lenses cleaned and new reticles installed. Both were cloudy and had no reticle when I got them.


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latest narrow band mount seen so far. Thank you for the data. Phosphated bek on narrow band mounts only seen in Law and Senich book, which are not fully reliable sources for wartime combination.

latest narrow band mount seen so far. Thank you for the data. Phosphated bek on narrow band mounts only seen in Law and Senich book, which are not fully reliable sources for wartime combination.

OK thanks for the time perspective. I had not seen very many narrow band mounts and I knew it had to be later one. I have a blued BEK without a mount as well I could use. Just went with phosphate since it was a late war type scope.
Wonderful comparison of the two types. Thanks for posting.

I was also thinking the narrow band would be on an earlier serial number but we have seen LTs recycled way into the HT serial range. I wonder if left over mounts were used on later rifles due to availability? With the added recoil ring, earlier narrow band mounts should be less problematic or at least one would assume. Also, in most military production, things are phased in and out with older varieties coming up later than one would expect in many incidences. Most countries would not waste something serviceable even if later versions had replaced the earlier versions. Are we sure one way or the other on a cut off date?