Why to think twice about shooting old semi-automatics.


Senior Member
Not my rifle but I did sell it to an acquaintance.
Swedish AG42 B
About 10 rounds into a range session and a magazine fed round did this to his rifle. Majority of parts destroyed (bent, etc.).

Few things could have been done differently. On this rifle check firing pin protrusion. Use military styled hard primers. Not use hand loads. However in this case the hand load info he gave me was very reasonable with quality components used (as long as he didn’t make a mistake when loading).

Amazingly not hurt, despite not using eye pro. And as a frequent shooter, he luckily didn’t put misplaced blame on me selling him the rifle - but I do feel poorly about the mess.

I have had problems like breaking a locking flap on a G43 but never took a picture, and I have heard of problems, like on a very Rare Italian Semi-Automatic that I had (posted on this forum) which I sold and then someone purchased it and decided to shoot it the stock blew up but this picture is to the point.

I’m on both sides of the fence maybe it’s the Canadian in me to be diplomatic. I personally don’t shoot the vast majority of my collector rifles, especially semi’s. But if you do, use judgement, do your research, think twice and be safe.


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they will not listen they will be out ordering the shooter kits to soup up the G-43 for Target rifles. hey its their rifles what do you or I know.

being a Kanadian has nothing to do with your advice
Sprat IUO do you think this may happen with G43? Load issue Yes, reloads could be likely with newbie but not with commercial rounds. Here's my thought- how rare is someone to change barrel on G43 receiver. Yes, I have read one to two on the forum. FP will not protrude on G43 bolt for head-space cause an issue. the issue G43 has been with the excessive pressure with gas and cycling the bolt.

Now, I am not saying someone goes and shoots 100 rds without S/K may not cause the same issue with OP's rifle. ☺
Damn... I’ve got one I haven’t shot and bought a box of PPU 6.5x55 but may not now. Sure am glad no one was physically hurt.

I’d picked up a nice 1896 Swedish Mauser and bought the AG42B here, even found a couple of extra mags....might shoot the bolt gun.

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19 times out of 20 the “this rifle blew up” involves hand loaded ammo. I just don’t get the compulsion to screw around making ammo that is still available commercially.

I still stand by my belief that every 8mm semi auto is on a mission to self destruct. They all do it for some unknown reason. Even the FN-49s.
Somebody shot and blew up the stock on that Italian Mod 39? Wow.

Glad your friend wasn't hurt.
Somebody shot and blew up the stock on that Italian Mod 39? Wow.

Glad your friend wasn't hurt.

Yes, I sold the M39 to a collector who then passed it on to another collector who decided to shoot it. Stock blew up on the first shot, even after the person I sold it to had upgraded the duffle cut repair. That is a real shame as literally maybe a dozen to two dozen examples are left of that rifle.

As per G43's you have other issues like broken locking flaps, damaging action covers or damaging the rear of the receiver.

FN49's are also know for blowing up.

Shooting Swedish bolt guns are not an issue and I wouldn't even be afraid use a hand load. The AG42 B commercial ammo is recommended, especially European produced ammo as it is closer original specs.
FN49's are also know for blowing up.....

I've got a couple....a 95% example Venezuelan in 7mm and a Columbian in .30-06....the only thing I've heard is that the 7mm commercial ammo may not cycle but nothing about the .30-06, I have not shot either one.

Both are in real nice condition...
I've got a couple....a 95% example Venezuelan in 7mm and a Columbian in .30-06....the only thing I've heard is that the 7mm commercial ammo may not cycle but nothing about the .30-06, I have not shot either one.

Both are in real nice condition...

We are talking about the 8mm guns. Lots of reasons get given for their issues, but the ultimate truth is they just blow up on a regular basis. Google : fn-49 kaboom 8mm, or swap out 8mm for Egyptian.
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I've never heard this in general about FN49s, but using Turkish 8mm ammo is another story. That stuff is so hot it's a risk to blow up any semi-auto. Even shooting it through a bolt gun feels like a magnum. Lord help you if you try to shoot it through something like a Gew. 88.
..but using Turkish 8mm ammo is another story. That stuff is so hot it's a risk to blow up any semi-auto. Even shooting it through a bolt gun feels like a magnum. Lord help you if you try to shoot it through something like a Gew. 88.

Yes. If you don't know about some of the surplus out there,+ that first trigger pull might be the last that gun ever gets. That was why I mentioned "if you just HAVE to shoot it", at least use US off the shelf 170gr SP. They're the most tame/lame 8mm by a large margin (not including purpose made low power handloads)
I've never heard this in general about FN49s, but using Turkish 8mm ammo is another story. That stuff is so hot it's a risk to blow up any semi-auto. Even shooting it through a bolt gun feels like a magnum. Lord help you if you try to shoot it through something like a Gew. 88.

There are mechanical differences in the 8mm FN-49s. For some reason the bolt/firing pin mechanism is designed differently, thus making it more prone to out of battery firing. Plenty have been turned into scrap as a result.
Fn 49


There are mechanical differences in the 8mm FN-49s. For some reason the bolt/firing pin mechanism is designed differently, thus making it more prone to out of battery firing. Plenty have been turned into scrap as a result.

The Egyptian contract FN49 is the only one that has no firing pin safety incorporated in the bolt design,no body is sure why they opted out of this safety feature,but they have been known to have slam fires and Kabooms.

I have an Argentine FN49 in 7.62x51 and it has the firing pin safety,the FP cannot reach the primer until the bolt is locked into battery.
I remember that now. There were also 1- and 2-piece firing pins. IIRC, the 2-piece design was another feature intended to prevent a slam fire in the case of a broken pin. My Luxembourg FN-49 has the 1-piece pin with a safety.
That’s exactly right, I was just too frazzled to break it down. Still though, people keep designing 8mm semi autos that self destruct from the factory. They had to go out of their way to make sure that the FN-49 did it, but they accomplished this difficult task. They literally had to redesign it to be unsafe, but they were bold enough to make it happen.
We just fired the K43 I recently bought 10 rounds of commercial modern ammo and then cleaned her again and she went back in the safe to await a proper scope and mount. I have an AG42B which I have fired same deal with 10 rounds of commercial then back in the safe. I remember it being a very violent firing and everyone on the range was watching when I got done. It was not a comfortable rifle to shoot but I remember it being similar to the Hakim I own too. That has been shot a bit and always clears the range to both sides with the side blast out it. Fairly accurate if I remember too. I sold my FN49 and frankly was glad to get rid of it as I had multiple problems over the years with it. My Jersey buddy has multiple FN49's and has shot them for years with no problems. The little Rashid I have is a real pleasure to shoot and never gives trouble. You just never know what an old rifle will decide to do and when, even with a bolt rifle. Bill