Where have all the OC gone? (Original Contributors)

Lucky to have this forum. So much knowledge to be gained from honest folks here. Always give an honest evaluation too.
Agreed. Even when it's not what they wanted to hear. :ROFLMAO:

I'll add this. Incorrect information (I've gotten an informational update before :unsure:) and perceived inaccurate evaluations would not go unchallenged either. Definitely a good thing IMHO.
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I have been thoroughly enjoying being an information sponge and perusing this forum, once discovered. I am trying to read much more than comment. Have seen some very nice firearms and learned a bunch. Thanks for tolerating me.
Me too nobody! Learned much here but don't want to give my 2 cents if not 100% sure on some topics. Am amazed at the knowledge many have gleaned through the study of milsurp weapons.
Well, I can only speak about myself. I was very active here and on gunboards (same name) for years but life throws you surprises. Not limited to marriage, kids, shifts in hobbies, financial responsibilities, etc. I personally switched over to more modern rifle collecting/shooting. Honestly, with modern AR15’s or parts kit Ak’s built on US receivers, what secrets, mysteries or jaw dropping topics are there?? Not too many if at all IMO. Biggest reason for me switching over was cost of ammunition and also a reluctance to risk damage to certain collectibles. Affordable 8mm surplus dried up years ago just like 7.62x54r which you couldn’t give away. Prices just became crazy on newer production. Over $1 a bang. Reloading is time consuming and also fairly expensive. Having said that, K98k’s are still my top and favorite collectibles. Many of the true experts have enlightened the k98k collector world. With that now easily available information many topics have been extensively covered and some interest undoubtedly takes a hit. Oddball k98ks and special versions like REAL snipers, depot rebuilds have become extremely rare if not impossible to find. I have become mostly a lurker now. I pop in from time to time to read some posts but rarely comment. It’s a great hobby though and we should all be thankful to this forum and the people who maintain and run it.
While I’m hardly an old school member I have been a very active one over the last 4 yrs.

But recently life’s just been busy. Traveling, got engaged, spend lots of time with my partner (…who never stops talking…), work.

Also, after 4yrs of serious collecting my collection is honestly in a spot Im very happy with. Its not huge, but I have about 10 really high quality and honest 98’s that make a very nice historical spread. For me at least. When I started collecting I thought it would be amazing to have just one matching and honest K98k. So I’m very happy with what I’ve built so far (achieved very much with the help of members here). There is absolutely stuff I’d still like to find, but that super intense drive to find stuff just isn’t there for me right now. I’m pretty content… plus they’re expensive lol.