Whats a good introductory model for a collection?



I have been wanting to collect German sniper rifles my entire life, I have been fortunate to finally be able to start affording them. I am curious however, as I have to pay for a wedding this year too, what's usually the least expensive model or "base"collector model? I have been trying to gather as many resources as possible, but have avoided looking at the real prices to save myself some grief!

Thank you!
Start off by researching and buying all the collector books you can.

This is easily one of the most faked and fudded areas as it brings a high premium. Study markings down to the bone, as fakers are getting more educated as research becomes more accessible. Use these forums here for questions and build a good communication, as real clean snipers don't pop up too often and usually are done and gone in short time.

Question everything and keep a big spare funds for this hobby.
Agreed. X2 on the reading and study requirement for this stuff.

I would start off with a LSR, they are easier to authenticate, and not too terribly hard to find.

If you can find a mismatch will soften the blow on the first one.

Mismatch bolt or stock , non matching optics , buffed /polished metal ,sanded stock...etc,etc.

You can get a hefty discount for that but you will still pay a hefty price compared to standard K98 due to the value of certain parts on the gun.

Get one of those and see if you really have the desire or stomach to dip your toe in that body of water.

If you enjoy the ownership of that then upgrade to a nicer one and sell the lesser one...again and again.

Disposable income is the key in that sport. Pay to play....its like long term stocks , restored cars or any other collectible.

Got 20-30K you wanna tie up for several years by owning a few rifles.?.....then come on in...the waters fine..just be sure you can swim...or @ least tread water as needed.

Good luck,,
I suggest you start with as much research as possible. Buy volume 2 if you have not already. Use the search feature on this site. This forum has many matching rifles posted to sift through. Mdarnell on the forum here created a great reference site that will give you an idea of which manufactures made what, production trends, parts etc Take a look at his site https://www.wwiigermansniper.com/

The rifles you posted are bogus. Mauser never made a LSR. The BCD is out of my wheel house but I’m assuming it’s put together, pimp shined and fake.
Welcome aboard. As mentioned above do a lot of reading before buying anything. 99% of the time fakers mess up on the base rifle so don't just focus on scope and mounts. A faker (as seen in your link) will create a sniper out of a rifle from the wrong manufacturer or year. Or they have to renumber a bolt of stock.

When you are ready I would start with a High turret or Long Side Rail. LSR rifles can be tricky because a lot of three hole rifles have been turned into snipers. And when you find something then get a second and third opinion. Feel free to email me. I am always happy to help. There are several others here that really know snipers well. Reach out to them also.

Collector snipers is extremely fun. Don't let fakers discourage you. Just be patient. :thumbsup:
ZF41 would be the easiest and cheapest to find, but technically they were designated a marksman rifle shortly after release.
LSR as many other members have stated would be the second easiest, especially a MM or an SSR.
slow down impulse buying with be the death of you

do as recommended above, the rifles are not going anywhere. new rifles come on the market everyday. These are expensive collector rifles( not shooters) if you looking for shooters and re-enactment rifles then maybe the junk you posted is for you

cant say it enough research, research
The Mansfield Cival War Show is going on this weekend at the fairgrounds , there have been German Sniper rifles at the show in the past for sale . Mansfield Ohio.
Lots of good advice given. Use Matt's site. Read and study the entire sniper part of this forum. Get Mike and Bruce's three book series. Ask for help from several knowing folks before you buy. I would not set out to get a specific type. A better approach IMO is to buy the best example of any type that you can find that is verified and affordable. I see more LSRs than any other type so chances are that that may be what you start with and they tend to be a little more affordable than many of the other less common types. Be patient and good luck.