What was your first 98k in your collection

My first was a bolt matching dot44 5 digit no letter block, I restored it with a decent stock and eventually sold it (along with a SMRS swp45) to fund my original foray into snipers years ago.

*sigh* I really wish I could get that one back.

This 1937 S 147 super mixmaster. Probably started it's journey as an RC but there's no X and not much Russian BBQ black paint. It also was sitting in an early Sauer walnut stock. The next year I found an almost identical 1937 S147 bring back just 9,000 numbers off. Went on to collecting Swedes after that, not as many mines to step on.

1937 k98k 11 17 18.jpg 1.jpg
This 1937 S 147 super mixmaster. Probably started it's journey as an RC but there's no X and not much Russian BBQ black paint. It also was sitting in an early Sauer walnut stock. The next year I found an almost identical 1937 S147 bring back just 9,000 numbers off. Went on to collecting Swedes after that, not as many mines to step on.

My range just reopened this week, going to go shoot it today.

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My buddy had just gotten his Curio and Relic and told me about these awesome German Mausers that SOG was selling for $80..

I paid him and a week later I received my first K98. Pinged birdies and a sewer pipe bore. I eventually replaced the barrel (rather crudely) and some years later sold it to my buddy who was just getting into the hobby.
My first was the last of the yugo captures my grandfather kept (he turned the rest into hunting rifles). First I purchased myself was a matching action CE43 in a cut down original stock.
I gave my parents money to order me one from J&G sales about ten years ago. I was 14. $279 for a Russian Capture 147 1939. Shot 20+ inches high at 100 yards but was dead on money at 300. Sold it to buy a BNZ 44 Bolt and Stock M/M. I regret it. Still looking for a 147 1939 to replace it.
My first K98 Was found about 20 years ago at MC sports $129 Russian Capture BNZ 43. Which kicked off my obsession for K98's. I still have it and it is my shooter, the other ladies are safe queens.
mine was a 5 digit dot44 remember being dumbfounded why the cleaning rod hole wasn't drilled ???
paid a couple hundred in 1991.
byf 44 NO LETTER BLOCK ZF41 Rifle with scope and WALNUT STOCK , And ALL MATCHING, Traded for 4 German helmets back in 1984. I had bought the helmets at the flea market over the years before. So I have about $ 125.00 in it. Still have the rifle.

SVW1945, that was a great deal! I think I paid 800.00 for my matching BCD41 in the early 90’s, a lot of money then, but now it’s worth almost three times that. I have better condition 98k’s, but it’s a keeper.
First, along came a sporterized BCD43 bring back. Searching for the missing parts to return it to original, if not matching configuration was an education. About a year later, at another show I saw this BCD43, all matching, on a table. Our friend Wapruf2 was there, and I asked him his thoughts on it, as well as the seller. He stated the seller was a good guy and opined it was a good piece at a good price. I bought it and brought it over to him, where he exclaimed; "say, this one is better than I thought".
A dou 44 , that I bought in Louisville Kentucky, in 1975, for the then princely sum of $65.00 , out of a pawn shop. 100% matching and I still own it.......
A nice bolt mismatch dou 42 that I inherited when my grandmother passed. Her youngest son, my uncle, had taken it as a souvenir when the Germans surrendered the French Brittany port of St. Nazaire. He shipped the rifle home to my grandfather and it's been in the family since.
A Heer byf41 from the u block, all matching with lots of carry wear. Found it in a small gun shop in 2004 I think. Still have it, I need to take better pictures of it one day.
1944 DOT Russian capture. Picked it up from J&G Sales in 2002-2003 ish. Original barrel and bore is pristine.
Paid $189 including a $10 hand select fee.
Still have it.
My first and only is a AX41 all matching.
