What parts are missing off of my erfurt 1918 k98?

Hello all, first off, I am new here so sorry if this post is in the wrong area.

Anyway, I inherited this Erfurt 1918 kar 98. Now listen, I'm not exactly familiar with the k98 platform, but when I seen the rifle I could tell something was missing from it. After researching pictures, it appears my rifle is missing the front part of the handguard including the metal in the front. Am I correct? Or is my rifle just different. Please let me know. If I need to buy new wood and the missing parts I will, but its a shame because the rifle is all original and all numbers match.1.jpgsheesh.jpgimage4.jpg
Welcome to the forum! The front end of your stock has been cut to the rear band (which you thankfully still have) as well as the handguard. The bayonet lug, front band (and corresponding screw), and stacking hook are all missing in terms of front end metal. The bolt you have in it appears to be a straight bolt which is incorrect for the Kar98a, they had a bent bolt with checkering on the underside of the bolt knob. Can you post some additional pics of the bolt markings and the rest of the rifle? Imperial German parts are harder to come across than Nazi era parts and the front metal is all unique to the Kar98a. Reproduction stocks and handguards exist, though you'll be in for quite the wait otherwise originals sometimes show up for sale on ebay from time to time. You can probably sub in a Polish front band as a temporary replacement while you look for an Imperial one. The stacking hooks on Imperial Kar98as are bent, the square 90 degree ones are Polish.


  • Fox Military Kar98a Stock.jpg
    Fox Military Kar98a Stock.jpg
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Bingo! AN-94 pretty much nailed it.

You certainly have a leg up as you have the rear band with screw, which is certainly hard to come by.

The problem with Kar98a sporter rescues is that other than the Imperial German and Polish post WWI carbines, they were not widely produced/adopted so loose parts are hard to come by unlike Gew.98’s and K98k parts. Many of the hardware parts you are missing are unique to the Kar98a style of carbine such as the front barrel band and bayonet lug/nosecap.

Shopping list would be as follows:

- repro or donor stock and handguard
- Kar98a bayonet lug / nosecap
- Kar98a stacking hook (curved)
- Kar98a stacking hook nut
- Kar98a front barrel band
- (Assuming you don’t have one) Kar98a curved bolt with flat underside with checkering)

I’d peruse eBay for “Kar98”, “Kar98a”, and “Kar98az” searches on a weekly basis to see if any of these pop up. Every once in a while they do.

It’s a shame, I sold a few of the pieces you were looking for on eBay a few months ago.
Regarding PPHU Fox stocks, I know that he’s the “only game in town” so to speak, but he’s massively backlogged and has had family/health issues. I was waiting over 2 years for a repro Kar98a stock from him. Eventually I found a handguard and a stock with some hardware for less than what I paid for the repro, so I cancelled my order.

I got the parts I needed by networking with other collectors who had the parts for trade or perused local gun shows and found good deals on parts that other collectors were looking for.
Thank you an94 for the information on the specific parts of my rifle and thank you krukster for putting together a list, both of your responses helped tremendously. I will gladly post more pictures once I get home.

EDIT: they sold out of “Good” condition ones.
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Sorry i never got to posting those pictures.

Would this be correct and fit my rifle?
That is a (Spanish civil war) Polish Wz.29 stock set. It won’t be “correct” for your rifle.
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