What Oil to Use on Bare Birch MP44 Stock?


Senior Member
Hey guys,

I bought a solid Birch MP44 stock from Dingo recently and it came with no finish whatsoever. I plan on using this stock so I want to apply a finish but I also want to get as close to original as possible. What would have originally been applied were it WWII? I know in the field they were using whatever was available at the time including motor oil but, by the book, what was supposed to have been put on there?

Here is a picture of my minty MP43 stock that is Elm FYI. Depends if you want brand new oiled wood or slightly aged look. BLO to start as suggested and you can always go a bit darker if you like.


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Never heard of Schaftol -Thats why we use Blo on all military stocks in the US.
Most guys here know about BLO and US military stocks. BUT it's also why many of us have purchased Balistol when many of us already have CLP, RemOil, TruOil, etc. Tons of good gun lubes but none are the same as Balistol, good or bad.