wartime dou45 mega thread


No War Eagles For You!
Staff member
I consider this to be one of the rarest dou45's existing today, dou45 "e" block - matching and completely original. As far as I know, this is the only dou45 "e" block ever reported that is matching. Came from Gunbroker many years ago with this tan web sling which is just a piece of fabric held with helmet split pins, probably vet added. But all phosphate and matching.




Crude and ugly just the way I like the late war K98k rifles.

Damn Mike that is impressive piece my friend! Hard to believe you got it off Gunbroker hard to win cool stuff off that website nowadays. I think the last K98k I won off gunbroker was the 1940 337 back in 2017.
Crude and ugly just the way I like the late war K98k rifles.

Damn Mike that is impressive piece my friend! Hard to believe you got it off Gunbroker hard to win cool stuff off that website nowadays. I think the last K98k I won off gunbroker was the 1940 337 back in 2017.

Combination of Dave Roberts (he found it with a buy it now of like $1200) and Bruce (he bought it - Dave's account wasn't activated). They bought it and bent me over a barrel for fun. Even so it was a "deal" between friends.
Best kind of deals out there between friends! Dave was the one that found my first 1916 Kornbusch Gew98. Cost me a Waffle house breakfast! Still owe him for that one of course I don't come across many snipers in my area.
Thanks for reminding me about this one. It brought me great joy to visit it in the picture reference. Truly a dream "Last Ditch" Kriegsmodell!:thumbsup:
I'll take it! Can't believe no one has bought it yet. $1200 is a smoking deal. I'll mail a check tomorrow along with my FFL.
Seeing that snap button on the sling, I'd say you're right in an American having done it. :laugh:
Really beautiful rifles. I only wish(as someone mentioned an Arisaka earlier in the thread) that late war Arisakas were looked at with such interest. You can really see the desperate state Germany was in once late 1944 came around.
Beautiful rifle!

I’m really more into prewar but this one could change my mind !

Thanks for sharing !

By the way. Coincidentally I was slamming Jim beam vanilla bourbon and cokes last night.
I fell asleep in my chair and missed out on the the post until this morning. :biggrin1:
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Wow that’s fantastic!! Dou45 isn’t exactly common and 99.9% are R/C (I have one in the a block) so yours is extra special. It implies that at least a few of these didn’t disappear into Russia. Thanks for sharing, that’s completely NON-upgradeable!!

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Sold for $1050 plus $25 shipping on September 5, 2009 (BiN was $1050 and the auction lasted about 4 hours) came out of Newton NJ.

(start/opening was $750)

It is the only e-block anywhere near matching. No d or f-blocks are known either... so far as i know, almost all are rc's.

Combination of Dave Roberts (he found it with a buy it now of like $1200) and Bruce (he bought it - Dave's account wasn't activated). They bought it and bent me over a barrel for fun. Even so it was a "deal" between friends.
rarest of the rare - dou45 e block

I have a “d” block and think I’ve seen 1 other. But any past b block are tough. I suspect a matching f block is nearly impossible.



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What a beauty. I’d put this right up there with an XE for us late war guys. Mike I’m still restoring rc 7509e and this is as close as it gets do you have pics of the bands and tg/Fp? Would help immesurably. I’ve got a c block I picked up a few years ago a bit grimy but original. I’ll dig it out and post.
I have these pics from the auction. Floorplate is stamped with no markings at all.





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Floorplate is stamped with no markings at all.

I see that. Does it seem to be an abnormally tall 'hump' down the center? Also do the sealing stamps around the perimeter seem off the 'normal' patterns? Any idea of the maker? Interesting bit for sure though.

Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Should I check the books? They're right in the next room.
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Here is my C block / purchased years ago at the old Houston Gun Show for $300.00

Beautiful Dave, even from just those photos! And that price is ummm... low. Wonder what one of the boosters would 'ask' for this gem?