I have been working on a reproduction front band for the WSM. I do know there were two different size barrels, however I think this one is more common. The original front bands were stamped and drawn in one piece and then post pierced to accommodate the barrel and cleaning rod hole and then heat treated. For obvious reasons I do not have that capability to produce as was done by the manufacture.. So I will be building a band in two pieces and TIG the front piece to the band proper, not sure if I will heat treat, we will see.. We have built some press tooling to form the band and radiuses. A couple of photos of the initial mock up, still some smoothing needed to the press tooling, but were close.
1st photo, an original band
2nd photo, reproduction next to original
3rd, ditto
1st photo, an original band
2nd photo, reproduction next to original
3rd, ditto